People of Lemmy who have either "reinvented themselves" or gone through a mid/quarter-life crisis, where did you start off and where did you end up? to Ask – 316 points –

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Why join the navy at this point in your life?

Various reasons. Mainly the benefits. Tricare health insurance for the family. Post-9/11 GI Bill for the kid. Having a security clearance will also open up some IT job opportunities for me.

How are you getting in at 41? I thought the age cap for any service was early 30s.

Navy recently raised their enlistment age cap to 42. They're currently the only service to do so, that I know of.

Edit: As far as I know, the enlistment age cap for most other services is 39, and the officer candidacy age cap is 35. There's variations and waivers though, depending on your situation.