An X is kind of a sans serif German swastika to – -9 points –

so it seems fitting.


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Do people go around looking for Swastikas in stuff? Even if I was a conspiracy theorist, an X is still an X. Especially when it’s not even a symmetrical X, you’re really pulling at strings I think.

With the Slack logo, at least there was something tangible. Here there isn't.

Is there something tangible? Slack's logo is a symbol that suggests clockwise rotation while the version of the swastika that the Nazis used is a symbol that suggests counterclockwise rotation.

Especially given that the Nazis appropriated one version of a symbol that had many other versions/uses/meanings in different cultures, do we really need to equate every symbol or logo that has remote similarities to the swastika with Nazism?

Neither saying that Slack's logo is a swastika nor that it's a Nazi swastika. But there's a certain similarity to a swastika which doesn't exist with the X logo.

It's a shower thought baconator, nothing more serious than that. I think the idea of a shower thought it to pull strings. You know, to avoid pulling something else. :)