Google Play services discontinuing updates for KitKat (API levels 19 & 20) starting August 2023

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 163 points –
Google Play services discontinuing updates for KitKat (API levels 19 & 20) starting August 2023

The Android KitKat (KK) platform was first released ~10 years ago and since then, we’ve introduced many innovative improvements and features for Android, which are unavailable on KK. As of July 2023, the active device count on KK is below 1% as more and more users update to the latest Android versions. Therefore, we are no longer supporting KK in future releases of Google Play services. KK devices will not receive versions of the Play Services APK beyond 23.30.99.

Is anyone here still using KitKat? 🤔


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I have not heard that name in a long time. Throwback to the days of installing ROMs and rooting my Moto X. Felt like a good time for Android.

Oh man. I miss my Moto X. That one really had a perfect in-hand feel! It's too bad mine died on me rather suddenly relatively early into its life.

It really did have the perfect form. No other phone has really matched the feel really.

I wish I could find a sub 5 inch screen that hits the other requirements (excellent camera, fully root-able). I'm afraid Pixels have run away with my wallet.

For me, the screen size is what enabled that comfortable fit.

I feel like it was the thickness and grippy texture that didn't for me, personally. I have a harder time with thin devices since they don't really cradle in my palm.