Thanks Spez! to Mildly – 1065 points –

but TBH i also wiped all my comments clean using powerdeletesuite


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[-] thunderbox666 « 1 point 2 months ago

Pretty much any subdomain will go to the nginx server and it will only do something if youve configured that subdomain in the config - everything else just gets ignored, or you can setup a catchall to handle all the unconfigured stuff

so you will need something like this (might not be exact, been a long time since i had to configure NGINX haha)

server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://hostnameOrIP1:port1;
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://hostnameOrIP2: port

an easier way would be to use Nginx Proxy Manager which gives you a nice GUI to add and manage all the sites.

To add to an answer, caddy is better fit for reverse proxy in my opinion. It's like easier to configure version of nginx. With nginx proxy_pass you also have to configure other headers like x_forwarded_to, and you will also need to do some magic to get websockets working.

And also caddy automatically generates certs using ACME, by default.

sharing actual text makes it searchable and easier to archive for the future

[-] thunderbox666 « 1 point 2 months ago Anything that has a web service, such as nextcloud or home assistant, can be setup on a domain or sub domain

So you would setup the domain (for example let's say you have myhome. to point to your server running nginx reverse proxy, and then configure all your services in there

So you might setup and point it to the internal address you use for home assistant, eg

Then you might add nextcloud as to point to These can all be on the same machine as nginx reverse proxy or on another machine all together

Some of these services might also need extra configuration but most will also have guides on their site on what you need to configure to work with a reverse proxy

Damn this is incredibly convenient, I was just playing around trying to setup a home server the past few days and this was exactly what I've been looking for.