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It's free market exploitation. If you believe a free market can exist without regulations, you're imbecile.

Just imagine: People need fridges. All fridge manufacturers agree to raise prices of a fridge by 2000%. So what, people are going to stop buying fridges? No - because they need them.

You would say: it's a free market, some new manufacturer is going to offer fridges at regular prices. Well - no you dumb fuck. What's the incentive for the new fridge manufacturer to sell at lower prices, when people are going to buy fridges anyway, because they need them? The answer is - none. It would be a dumb business decision, because your supply is limited, and you're going to sell it at market price, because that item is essential.

So how does the economy even work if that's possible? That's right idiot - because it's price fixing and it's fucking illegal.

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You realize that maintaining a server that would allow that costs pennies?

You wouldn't pay $150 for a lollipop, but somehow people think this is ok.

This problem exists exactly because of people like you, thinking it's OK to pay for the features you already paid for.

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It's just as crazy as saying "We don't need math, because every problem can be described using human language".

In other words, that might be true as long as your problem is not complex enough to be able to be understood using human language.

You want to solve a real problem? It's way more complex with so many moving parts you can't just take LLM to solve it, because that takes an actual understanding of a problem.

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Ok, if I remember correctly, YouTube barely generates, but generates nonetheless revenue for Google. There are many ways to make more money without fucking over its users by cutting costs:

  • downgrade old videos with small watch count to 720p30

  • make people pay for hosting >1080p60 content

  • do not allow private/unlisted videos

  • straight up remove 10h looped videos - they take so much space, but are technically spam - both for bandwidth and storage

And my go-to solution: focus on sponsorships as main source of revenue. They are the only ads I can tolerate and are actually effective from my experience. YouTube can just take a cut from every sponsorship on YouTube video and everyone will be happy.

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Java used to lack many features to make the stuff you wanted it to do, so most Java programmers adapted design patterns to solve these problems.

Honestly, older versions of Java are utter garbage DX. The only reason it got so popular was because of aggressive enterprise marketing and it worked. How can a language lack such an essential feature as default parameters?

So, anyway after the great hype Java lost its marketshare, and developers were forced to learn another technologies. And of course, instead of looking for language-native way of solving problems, they just used same design patterns.

And thus MoveAdapterStrategyFactoryFactories were in places where simple lambda function would do the same thing, just not abstracted away three layers above. Obviously used once in the entire codebase.

Imo the only really good thing about Java was JVM, while it was not perfect, it actually delivered what it promised.

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Have an actual sane developer experience? There is a reason why almost every developer that uses Windows actually uses WSL.

I don't even hate Apple that much, but what I hate is that every time I find out somebody I know uses Apple product I say to myself in quiet "Oh gosh...", because very often the reason they use Apple whatever is to feel better than somebody.

And I hate people like these. Not every Apple enjoyer is like that, and there are legitimate reasons to go Apple, like wanting that ecosystem, good camera,, using something that just works or go with Apple Silicon revolution. And no, Apple is not really private.

But in most cases their reasons are either a fucking IM bubbles (because I don't want to spend 5 seconds to install an app that works anywhere) or it just "doesn't lag" (which any phone over $200 doesn't) which is obviously a fucking bullshit to cover the actual answer which is "I wanted to feel better by having shit that every fancy person uses".

But the funniest people are the ones trying to explain these "amazing features" to me, totally ignoring the points that IM sucks on Android because Apple pushes their own standard and refuses to use open ones, that no sideloading and Apple controlling whole app ecosystem is the best thing ever and that Android is slow, because it [put any argument Apple fanboy without the basic OS concepts understanding would make] and not because you used $100 phone and switched to a motherfucking $600 phone. Wow, who would've thought?

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He also voiced Vesemir from Witcher. He was also very popular voice actor in animated movies localizations. Genuinely he was one of the few voice actors I knew by name, and the news that he died really struck me.

although I'm not a TWM user I like to just press super and type the first letters of the program I'm looking for to open it.

It will never stop to amaze me how many people don't know it's a feature in every major DE and every Windows starting from Vista.

Even on Windows 10/11, just tap windows key and start typing without clicking anywhere.

My list of FOSS I use everywhere (these work in Win and Linux):

  • Open Tablet Driver - if you've got the drawing tablet it probably supports it. You can customize everything and has even built-in plugin manager.

  • Krita - GIMP alternative with non-destructive editing capabilities.

  • yt-dlp - download videos from almost any video sharing service, even TikTok, Instagram etc.

  • neovim - for quick file edits

  • vscode/vscodium with vim plugin - my IDE for everything

  • ffmpeg - forget handbrake - you can do even basic video editing here. Join two videos together? Done. Add audio to video? Done. Crop part of the video without reencoding it? Done. Loop a video to 10 hours without reencoding it? Done in matters of seconds.

  • kdenlive - an actual video editor that is 100% FOSS, doesn't suck and works on Windows and Linux.

  • imagemagick - ffmpeg for images

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You just need to realize that Adobe doesn't release their stuff on Linux, not because it doesn't allow them to, but Linux desktop market share is too small.

It's a chicken and egg problem. Once Adobe would release their stuff, magically there would be a massive movement to improve HDR support, color accuracy etc.

And you need to realize Microsoft achieved such a giant market share thanks to illegal monopolistic practices in 90s, that still have huge impacts today.

I might be wrong, but even for games like Cyberpunk 2077 there is a finite set of world states that define lighting conditions (time of day weather etc.).

So prebaking lighting information for all these combinations and then figuring out a way to create transitions between them would maybe not be the perfect representation, but best of both worlds.

However, given how fast RayTracing improves hardware-wise, in my opinion it would make no sense to even consider researching and developing a solution of that kind.

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I mean, GPL guarantees code remains open and free. If they release an app based on the source code licensed under GPL, they have to give a source code along with essential build instructions to anyone who is using it, and then you can do anything with that code, including sharing, compiling, and distributing that app, provided it's under GPL license.

Edit: I see it's licensed under GPL 3.0, so no worries.

It's funny, I buy Apple Car specifically so that that I can't decide where I want to go. At work we MDM and Apple's approach isn't for everyone, but forcing something like choosing their destination simply isn't the right choice for all types of users.

I'm all for encouraging them to be on the right side of Right-to-Repair, labor laws, and environmental best practices. But I left the world of thinking where I want to go and choice for the Apple Car's tight lockdowns. At first I still couldn't help myself but to try to go around wherever I wanted with my first Apple Car or two, then I stoped that also.

Apple Car's filtered possible destinations are all I need, so I don't see why anyone would ever want to go any other place.

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I think ARM is their end goal, it's really the only option for a handheld console, as today ARM is the only way you'll get enough performance/power rate to make it both good on battery with good enough performance.

Win-win for everyone if they invest in an open source x86 to ARM project, similar like they did with Wine.

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"I've never had covid, so it doesn't exist" vibes.

Software engineering nowadays is really complex. There is no way you're going to know what's going on, nobody is.

It's just the more experience you have, the easier it is to figure out what's going on. If you want to learn coding, just start coding.

I will start from something no one mentioned - start with Linux. Windows has its own very "special" ways of compiling stuff, while Linux is very simple. If you start on Windows, you'll probably use IDE which will set up everything for you (cause setting up thing in Windows is messed up), and it will still be a black magic for you how the code transforms into binary.

Many people recommend python, but I would start with C (not C++, C++ sucks). It will give you the understanding of basic concepts like memory management.

Then start using something like javascript, which will get you wide range of libraries, which you can use to build anything.

Then at the end learn how infrastructure works, how are services communicating with each other, how to put your server to the public, learn Docker, set up reverse proxy, run stuff in cloud.

It brings up actual issues of today's world of men and women - in kind of metaphorical but not really way.

As a 1998 who had access to the internet during its wildest peak with no parental control at all (had internet since I was 10 years old), I do not agree with ANY parental control. Your kid is going to stumble upon these topics anyway, sooner or later, internet or real life.

Instead of preventing it - monitor it, and make sure you discuss it with them. Some years from now on, you will lose whole control over them, and then they won't be easily persuaded.

Censorship creates people that are easily manipulated - no matter what your intentions are.

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Learn it first.

I almost exclusively use it with my own Dockerfiles, which gives me the same flexibility I would have by just using VM, with all the benefits of being containerized and reproducible. The exceptions are images of utility stuff, like databases, reverse proxy (I use caddy btw) etc.

Without docker, hosting everything was a mess. After a month I would forget about important things I did, and if I had to do that again, I would need to basically relearn what I found out then.

If you write a Dockerfile, every configuration you did is either reflected by the bash command or adding files from the project directory to the image. You can just look at the Dockerfile and see all the configurations made to base Debian image.

Additionally with docker-compose you can use multiple containers per project with proper networking and DNS resolution between containers by their service names. Quite useful if your project sets up a few different services that communicate with each other.

Thanks to that it's trivial to host multiple projects using for example different PHP versions for each of them.

And I haven't even mentioned yet the best thing about docker - if you're a developer, you can be sure that the app will run exactly the same on your machine and on the server. You can have development versions of images that extend the production image by using Dockerfile stages. You can develop a dev version with full debug/tooling support and then use a clean prod image on the server.

Real time RT really is meh, but I like what they're doing in CS2. Prebaked Global Illumination looks freaking fantastic.

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Your goal as a company is not to sell as many, but to make the greatest profit. So let's say that the new market price is $3 000.

You're the new company. Your supply is 20 000.

Do you

a) Sell fridges @ $2 950/each, undercutting competition while selling whole supply, because of demand being higher than your supply, making $59 000 000?


b) Sell fridges at a reasonable price of $400, selling the same amount, because your supply is limited anyway, making $8 000 000?

The company still has no incentive to go B route. They only need to undercut the competition, not make prices reasonable.

Free market self regulates, provided nothing artificially screws with supply and demand and there are competitors. Both scalping and price fixing screws with it. It is literally the cancer of free market, and people screwing with it call themselves "investors", while actually destroying the economy.

It is the government's responsibility to prevent those situations before they happen, otherwise these changes may be irreversible.

Btw. A situation like this was happening recently in the GPU market. Nvidia had a crazy high demand for their GPUs because companies invested in AI were going to buy these cards no matter the price. So they bumped the prices like crazy, and they were instantly sold out.

Meanwhile Nvidia's competitor - AMD - didn't have nearly as strong GPUs for Ai as Nvidia. Do you think AMD's prices stayed the same? Nope. They bumped it just like Nvidia, barely undercutting them, because there was still demand, in fact growing demand, for GPUs for gaming, while AMD's supply was obviously limited.

2 years later, lower demand, GPUs actually in stock, but prices are still fucked (though not as much) because people got used to it.

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The way for your desktop to communicate with the hardware.

It used to be X11 - A server-client architecture, which meant your desktop was effectively just a client that told the server what to do. The server was the one doing the drawing

Wayland is just a protocol, defining how programs and desktop should communicate with each other - without a middleman that was X11 server. The desktop does the actual drawing here.

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If you're a beginner:

I almost gave up programming once, I thought I was too stupid.

Then I learned Linux and figured out starting out in IDEs as a beginner is the worst thing you can do. It doesn't teach you anything, it just lets you get the job done - the thing that you should avoid while learning.

If you can't build your software with only CLI - you probably have no idea how technology you're programming in works.

If you are intermediate:

Reinventing the wheel is a great way to learn how libraries you're using actually work.

I have a spreadsheet with items with their price and quantity bought. I want to include a discount with multiple tiers, based on how much items have been bought, and have a small table where I can define quantity and a discount that applies to that quantity. Which Excel functions should I use?


You can achieve this in Excel using the VLOOKUP or INDEX-MATCH functions along with the IF function.

Create a table with quantity and corresponding discounts.

Use VLOOKUP or INDEX-MATCH to find the discount based on the quantity in your main table.

Use IF to apply different discounts based on quantity tiers.

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Dafuq are you talking about? I've downloaded many random shit from Github on Windows to restore some basic UX functionality on W11, while I have never downloaded any software from Github repo on Linux, because everything I need is either on Ubuntu repo or some ppa or - shockingly - is built-in DE. And I'm a programmer and Linux is my daily driver.

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If you expect results in given time and you're not getting it, you're gonna have talk with employee, WFH or office, doesn't matter.

The "productivity" is an illusion and always has been.

Why you shouldn't develop production grade software for Windows part 25.

Have you even made a production grade front end project?

You can't use "pure" HTML solutions because every browser can display these differently. You have to use CSS to make a website look and behave modern. "Pure" center tag is clunky and doesn't work everywhere and that's "by design" (That behavior is defined in specification, and we can't change specification to meet today's standards because that would make it non backwards compatible). Additionaly you need to make your website scale to wide range of devices. And sometimes you need to even add JS to fix some of the issues if you don't want the developer to implement a non-maintainable solution taking him 5 hours, if he could do that in JS in 5 minutes.

Look CSS is not perfect. It's hacky solution to a problem, but news flash: most software engineering is. And it's proved to be working.

"But what if in the future..." - address future problems in the future. As soon as they appear - not before or after that.

That's the stupidest thing I've read today. I hope you're not any kind of engineer. There are some situations where it might not be worth it to future-proof something, but if you apply that to everything you end up needing a full rewrite instead of just adding a feature.

What's wrong with Docker?

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24.04 won't have Plasma 6, but 24.10 will. In other words, fall 2024.

Or you can use KDE Neon, which is basically Ubuntu LTS, but with the newest Plasma.

General rule of thumb: Comments say why is it here, not what it does. Code itself should describe what it does.


(Unless you want to complete additional levels, which are still canon, then much much more).

You can just as easily have keylogger running in backround as clipboard sniffer.

Browsers don't have permission to read clipboard, just change them (unless you specifically give them permission to read it).

As you can see no benefits not using PM. It's in fact safer, because if databade with non-hashed passwords leaks, your password doesn't because it's different for every service.

Docker is 80% Linux, 10% Networking, 5% Virtualization and remaining 5% is actual Docker-specific things.

If you learn Linux, networking and virtualization, Docker is just a cherry on top.

What? Pipewire has been working out of the box for like 2 years

I already had a huge respect for him for being really pragmatic, but after this post my respect for him climbed a level above I thought wasn't even possible.

And that's without considering the guy basically made software that runs >99% of modern internet.

Why do you need Windows VM for developing GUI apps? Last time I used Visual Studio to make GUI app I almost gave up programming, because of how code-generation dependent it was.

For C# you have AvaloniaUI. For cpp you have countless multi-platform GUI toolkits, same for rust, Java has its own toolkits (multi-platform), and finally you can make an Electron/Tauri app.

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AFAIK it's now 100, so basically unlimited for personal use.

If you're trying to self-host http service, you can use cloudflare tunnels.

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It's simple and readable. You literally put somebody that has never coded in their life, show them the YAML file and they will probably get it. Worked both with my boss and my girlfriend.

In Toml there are too many ways to do the same thing, which I don't like. Also unless you know it deeply, you have no idea how the underlying data structure is going to look.

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