Thoughts on Final Fantasy 16? to – 46 points –

I feel like this game kind of came out of nowhere. We got a few small announcements and then nothing major until close to the release date, unlike the insane marketing blitz that was FF15. Maybe I was just out of the loop.

Anyways I'm curious if anyone has any thoughts or opinions about it? I love Final Fantasy games but this one seems so different. Tbf I haven't played the demo, I'm planning on trying it tonight, but I'm curious what everyone thinks about such a major release.


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I'm so hyped for this game. Yoshi-P is the only one at Square-Enix who knows what he's doing. We're going back to some cheesy ass faux-Shakespeare localization (yeah I like Final Fantasy XII, don't @ me). We're getting a classic medieval fantasy story with magic crystals and killing god, but you also get to play a motherfucking kaiju battle sometimes. Inject it directly into my veins.

Nah dawg, FF12 is excellent. Don’t feel any shame about that.

Honestly the way you described it has me hyped too! It seems like a really cool premises and story wise seems like they're going back to their roots a little. I loved FFXII so no judgement here! Also the icon battles look so intense! I think it's a pretty good way of integrating them into and Action RPG, I liked the summons in FFXV but I felt they were a bit too static and didn't quite fit into the combat system that well.