Is there any evidence that Reddit has suffered at all from the exodus to Lemmy? to Ask – 802 points –

Was there even a mass exodus? I largely avoid Reddit now, but I do kind of doubt that they've been hurt in any meaningful way by all the protests and people leaving...


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No, of course not. If you're using Lemmy as a "protest" instead of thinking that it's a better platform, it's totally ineffectual and you'll go back to using Reddit sooner or later. Personally, I think that the fediverse is a more compelling idea than the traditional internet, so I'm sticking with Lemmy for a bit in one form or another.

I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to protest by using alternatives, and then going back if there's real change. (naïve, maybe)

Initially really wanted Reddit to take a hit so that they would be forced to reconsile, but I became disillusioned quite quickly. Compared to the fediverse, it is rotten; Spez is only the mouthpiece for their internal chess game.

He probably spoke the truth, when he claimed to previously having been the only one defending the third party apps.