Would anyone else be interested in a Beehaw-specific menslib community or similar space?

Vestria@beehaw.org to Chat@beehaw.org – 54 points –

One of my most active subs on Reddit was /r/MensLib, an open, pro-feminist, trans-inclusive space for people to discuss men's issues without toxicity and without anger or violence directed at women or men. It was a (mostly) wonderful community that fostered lots of genuine, heartfelt discussion, and it would seem to me that Beehaw as an instance would be the perfect place for such a community to take root on Lemmy.

I'm aware of the community on lemmy.ca, but there is both an article written in bad faith (though I don't think it was posted in bad faith) and a post from a bad actor on the front page that has been up for several days with no mod action, which concerns me.


(Edited to be more fair to the most active poster on the lemmy.ca community, as I don't think they're posting in bad faith and I should have been clearer about that)


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Well, that'll teach me to read an article and then not engage in the conversation that follows. I'm not a Stoicism stan, as you say, but I have found Practical Stoicism a useful tool in my life, especially when it comes to recognizing and owning my own contributions (positive and negative) to my relationships.

I'll go back and reply to you in the other thread so we don't derail this one.

That actually means a huge amount to me. Apologies if I came off a little hostile with the stan comment.

It's all good! I chose Beehaw for a reason, I will always engage in good faith and give you the same benefit of the doubt!

It honestly wasn't my intention to call anyone out, I just had some concerns based on what I saw. I'm glad we get to continue the conversation 😀