1 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't think it's hardware. It's a differentiator. Tell me why I (or whoever) should pick an Xbox over a PlayStation?

What else differentiates it from the PS5 in a positive way?

The thing is, it's not even Games Pass or the hardware. For me, as a PC gamer, having an Xbox would be redundant. Anything an Xbox can do, my PC just does strictly better without a cumbersome UI and additional online subscription.

I own a PS5 for access to Sony exclusives when they launch, instead of waiting 1-5 years for the PC ports. I also get access to PS Plus' extensive classic collection and indie collections, which, regardless of the price of the subscription, broadens my gaming library extensively--something Xbox simply doesn't do.

Why would I purchase a console that only gives me access to the same games on a worse system vs a console that expands my library considerably?

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It's my understanding that we already decided not to federate with them?

That being said, I'm ethically opposed to supporting the corporate invasion of both FOSS and anti-corporate spaces.

With Meta, specifically, their MO with literally every tech space they've ever entered has been to EEE, and I think the "wait and see" approach to give them the benefit of the doubt that they won't do the same thing here is naivete at best and willful ignorance at worst.

"I Put a Spell on You" is commonly attributed to CCR since they covered it on their debut album, but it's actually a Screamin' Jay Hawkins original.

The now infamous Billy Ray Cyrus debut single, "Achey Brakey Heart", was actually a cover of The Marcy Brothers' "Don't Tell My Heart". They were released within a year of each other but the Cyrus cover exploded in popularity in Australia (yes, Australia), and the rest is history.

Cyndi Lauper's biggest hit, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", was a Robert Hazard cover.

Elvis Presley had a really bad habit of ripping off lesser known (black) blues artists. As in, of the 24 songs off his first 2 albums, 20 of them were covers, bad.

There's so many more I can think of off the top of my head, like Johny Cash's cover of NIN's "Hurt" getting Trent Reznor to say it "wasn't my song anymore" after seeing the video, but I think that'll do for now.

This reads like dialogue written for the "pretentious writer" friend character trope who is always shitting on other peoples' work but hasn't ever had any success with his own in every B-list Hollywood meta comedy: smug, confident, completely wrong, and utterly without purpose or substance.

There's a link in the top 5 posts to a "philosophy" article that cherry picks limited sources in order to misrepresent Stoicism as a philosophy as mere garden variety stoicism in the more modern vernacular, and then uncritically blames it as the source of all toxic masculinity.

Perhaps "misinformation" was a strong accusation, but articles like that are certainly not written in good faith, regardless of the intent in sharing them.

Perhaps I should edit my post to use less inflammatory language. Sorry.

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Since what everyone else has suggested hasn't worked, there's 3 more things to test:

  1. Update your BIOS. Depending on the age difference between your CPU and your MOBO, the BIOS might not be configured correctly for your CPU and thus half your RAM is unable to be addressed.

  2. Test your RAM sticks and memory slots individually. Put your sticks in the primary channel (per your MOBO specs) one at a time and reboot to see if they're actually working. Then try moving them around to see if the issue is a bad slot, rather than a bad stick.

  3. Are you sure you're not running a 32-bit OS? You'd be capped at 4GB system memory on 32-bit Windows, for example, no matter how much physical RAM you have.

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So it's time to delete my old IG if I can remember the log in, got it.

Of course it's just more performative MAGA nonsense, cutting off the nose to spite the face and calling it "owning the libs."

These people wouldn't know Marxist ideology if it slapped them across the face, it's just another buzzword in the same vein as "socialist" and "leftist" and "communist" (read: "anything I don't like").

The constant aggressive anti-intellectualism is exhausting.

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This was not at all my experience in the specific community I'm asking about recreating here, which is why I'm asking.

I also don't agree with the take that extremism of some form or fashion is the only natural course of human discourse. I'm sorry your experience of people has left you with such a negative view of them.

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It's all good! I chose Beehaw for a reason, I will always engage in good faith and give you the same benefit of the doubt!

It honestly wasn't my intention to call anyone out, I just had some concerns based on what I saw. I'm glad we get to continue the conversation 😀


I have tried many Linux distros since I finally abandoned Windows for good, but in spite of the fact that I prefer Fedora over the other kernels, Pop!_OS as a distro, along with Pop Shell, is just everything I've ever wanted in an OS and all else just feels inferior.

I'm a dev, though, so it would make sense that an OS made by devs for devs would be my cuppa.

Most users won't need 90% of what I, specifically, love about the OS, but it's also the first distro I've found where everything I want to use just works out of the box without spending hours troubleshooting, and that's not nothing.

/r/menslib was actively curated to be a safe place for men to discuss men's issues and allyship without toxicity, and we had a good balance of men, women, and nonbinary posters. Its most active mod was an LGBTQ+ trans individual who was very aggressive about purging trolls and bad actors, and I found it to be a supportive and reasonable place.

Now that I'm looking back, there may have been a /r/mensliberation once upon a time that unfortunately was a copy space of MRA, MGTOW, and Red Pill, but if it did actually exist, I never subbed or participated and it likely would have been quarantined / purged when the others were.

Oh, thanks for the link. I'm sorry I missed that discussion, but it's good to know I'm not the only one who'd be interested in a space like this and I'm glad the admins are aware of the need.

Well, that'll teach me to read an article and then not engage in the conversation that follows. I'm not a Stoicism stan, as you say, but I have found Practical Stoicism a useful tool in my life, especially when it comes to recognizing and owning my own contributions (positive and negative) to my relationships.

I'll go back and reply to you in the other thread so we don't derail this one.

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Royal Blue. Not that fake flat Materials nonsense, actual, deep, strikes you when you see it because it's almost metallically brilliant Royal Blue.

I agree with this whole-heartedly, there's simply no way any reasonable person would consider skipping story content as buying power in the context of how FFXIV works as an MMO.

It lets players jump right into the new content without worrying about dozens or hundreds of hours of prior story they may or may not want to play through to get to the latest content at the same level as everyone else starting out, that's all.

Northgard to destress. Diablo IV with the lads.

Almost picked up Against the Storm on sale but haven't done it yet.

Recently downloaded Duckstation and am playing through Xenogears for the first time.

I don't disagree with you, I was merely commenting on their stated reasons for the vote, as mentioned in the article.

Whether or not you're ace is only something you can determine. I can only tell you that my own sexuality is..weird.

I personally have issues connecting emotionally with other people. I can feel just fine, but there seems to be an invisible wall between what I feel and how I process my emotions and other human beings. I can show compassion and sympathy and empathy, but it's purely performative: I don't feel these things for others.

No amount of therapy has ever been able to fix this. That part of my brain just...doesn't work that way.

But I still experience attraction. I still want someone to share my life with, romantically. I still like sex, a lot.

Romance, for me, is just finding out what behaviors my partner recognizes as me caring for them and then modeling those behaviors. It can sometimes be a strange cognitive dissonance to have someone who says how loved I make them feel and yet my attachment to them, such as it is, is pure intellectual and sexual, no emotional component at all.

Anyway, sorry for the word vomit, I guess all that was just to say that there's nothing wrong with not fitting any of the existing labels 100%. Labels are just descriptors, and their only value is in communicating a shared experience to others. If they fit, they fit. If they don't, no worries. You're you, and that's okay.

Sync cannot come to Lemmy fast enough, sorry. Been using it for enough years that I will automatically trust it over everything else and I'm so used to it feature-wise that it's not even worth giving other apps a shot when I know it's in the pipeline.

I've almost caught up to you. 16 years for me. Leaving the UK was a mistake (bloody suicidal work culture here in the States).

I'm inclined to agree that the CPU might have been set incorrectly / have a bad pin, especially after the black screen and BIOS errors after updating.

Unfortunate, but it happens to the best of us.

Reddit as a whole was an absolute cesspool, I don't deny that. But some of us were lucky enough, through lots and lots of searching and trial and error and weeding out of bad eggs, to find a few places where we felt welcomed and accepted without judgment.

I'm sorry that you never did!

Luckily, I think Beehaw and Blahaj are doing an admirable job, and I'm happy to be a part of it!

Live A Live on Switch is the example everyone should be pointing to of what a proper 2D-HD remake of FF1-6 could (and should) look like.

It's actually an almost offensive level of laziness, as a consumer, to have a company like Square Enix try to sell me a full-priced remaster collection that only includes partial use of 2D-HD in certain scenes and what essentially amounts to cheap 2D mobile game graphics everywhere else. And the difference is jarring. For the price I'm paying, I expect the full 2D-HD treatment, not...whatever half-assed nonsense this is.

Edit: Also, Octopath doesn't "get away with it" because of filters, it's a game made entirely in 2D-HD, which is why it's consistent. Same with Octopath II and Live A Live.

I'm from the UK, where people die of heatstroke above 32C (90F).

I am currently living in Texas, where it's been consistently above 41C (106F+) for a solid month now.

This summer cannot end quickly enough.

I joined Beehaw. We don't even have the option. The ethos is to at least attempt to give the OP the benefit of the doubt when we find problematic content (unless it's just blatantly trolling or in bad faith) and try to educate ignorance.

Otherwise, we just report and move on.

Probably an odd one, but Yanni—Live at the Acropolis. It is damn near the perfect live recording if you can listen to it on an old school CD player or on a media player that supports gapless listening (no breaks / pauses between tracks). It's a series of full orchestra arrangements and medleys of his solo piano work that really doesn't have any flaws.

If you like Harvest Moon, the new games are trash but the Story of Seasons games are really good for scratching that itch.

Metroid Dread and the Metroid Prime Remaster are both excellent.

In spite of their technical limitations and lazy graphical fidelity, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are legitimately fun games.

DioField Chronicle and Triangle Strategy if you like strategy games.

Octopath Traveller 1 and 2, Bravely Default II (the first game was a 3DS title), and the Xenogears games if you like story heavy RPGs.

There are decent multi-platform ports like The Witcher 3 and Persona 5 Royal if you missed them, as well.


I abandoned Reddit entirely when Sync shut down. Beehaw and Lemmy at large seem like a (mostly) great place and I'm here to stay.

Do you mean you're getting an error message saying the "selected file is not a proper BIOS file"?

Or are you getting a different error? If it's the above, you'll need to remove and redownload the updated BIOS, as it was corrupted during download, and you'll need to make sure you have a stable connection while downloading to avoid it happening again.

If you're getting a different error I'd need to know the exact wording to help any further.

At the end of a tiring working day, after taking care of my chores, putting the kids to bed, I just can't get back to the computer, especially if I had to use it all day long for work...

Those are the days I Miracast my PC to my TV and curl up on the couch with a wireless controller.

My soon-to-be 7-year-old has a Switch that fits his Minecraft / Pokemon / YouTube needs, and I have my PS5 for exclusives that don't have a PC port yet (I'm currently playing through FFXVI, for example.

Plus, the ultimate question: How much does a PC/a console or a new game cost in your country?

I currently live in the States, so any average price you look up in USD will apply. I built my own PC, I purchased my PS5 on sale, and I will build myself a new PC when my son is old enough to be trusted (under supervision) with my current PC, if any of that matters.