Ohio police officer who released police dog onto Black man with hands raised is fired

HLMenckenFan@lemmy.worldmod to politics @lemmy.world – 613 points –
Ohio police officer who released police dog onto Black man with hands raised is fired

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So you’ve never been in a union that fights for workers to get better pay, reasonable hours, and decent healthcare? I’ve had unions at two jobs and they fought hard to make sure workers were treated fairly. Football players have a union. Many service workers have a union. Unions are not a bad thing.

Unions are not a bad thing, rightwing unions however betray all other unions and undermine the entire system.

I love unions, unions are great, more people should be in them. Just not cops. If all they were doing was fighting for better hours and pay I'd have no problem (acab aside), but police unions go to bat for violent cops who hurt people. Police unions fight to keep those violent cops in those positions of authority, paid by our tax dollars, with a gun, on the streets where their next potential victim waits.

That's a problem for me.