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Joined 1 years ago

Lover of cozy mysteries, historic home restorations, gardens, cats, dogs, smart homes, and American football. A little coffee doesn't hurt either.

A bit of cherry picking there

But Oberlander said that exception doesn't apply when the alleged crime is connected to newsgathering — which appears to be the case in Marion.

He seems worried, like someone has taken his cake. 😟

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Omg, the ears!!

Nice! It’s exciting having so many options coming our way.

There is nothing wrong with police dogs. Officers assigned to handle the dogs can be problematic though, if they don’t have the discipline to put their prejudices aside.

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My boy has that constant worried look, too. It’s tough being a dog, I guess.

No need to create a separate login over there. Simply copy the link from their sidebar ! and then paste it into the search bar on your account. That should open it on your side so you can subscribe. Or you can copy their complete URL from your browser search bar to paste in the search bar.

I had to check this out and found the categories under the hamburger menu. Anyone else find it funny that r/teenagers is showing as a community under Animals and Pets?

Come on. You’ve never had Fersh Juice before?!? So much better than that fresh stuff.

That is the union’s job. Just like defense attorneys fight against guilty verdicts for even blatant murderers, the union is representing a union member.

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So you’ve never been in a union that fights for workers to get better pay, reasonable hours, and decent healthcare? I’ve had unions at two jobs and they fought hard to make sure workers were treated fairly. Football players have a union. Many service workers have a union. Unions are not a bad thing.

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