Deactivating is for wafflers. Delete that shit, burn the crops, and salt the earth in your wake.
It's really not.
You're still starving the beast. Deactivating just leaves the people who know me an outlet to get in touch if needed.
I told myself that... And then would reactivate and spend a day or two falling back in. Like a shitty relationship. Eventually, I had to cut the cord entirely.
Sometimes that's the best way to go. For me, deactivating's been fine. I like Mastodon and Lemmy way more.
Deactivating is for wafflers. Delete that shit, burn the crops, and salt the earth in your wake.
It's really not.
You're still starving the beast. Deactivating just leaves the people who know me an outlet to get in touch if needed.
I told myself that... And then would reactivate and spend a day or two falling back in. Like a shitty relationship. Eventually, I had to cut the cord entirely.
Sometimes that's the best way to go. For me, deactivating's been fine. I like Mastodon and Lemmy way more.