Infected Mushroom - Anyone Else But Me to – 9 points –
Infected Mushroom - Anyone Else But Me

Take a chilled out trip with me


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They're pretty much all I listen to anymore. Would absolutely love to see them live, but not sure my autistic ass would survive a gig like that lol
Maybe One Day

I definitely get that. I’m autistic as well but I had a great group of friends that I went with who did a great job making me feel comfortable in the club. Plus I got to hear the first half of Ani Mevushal live before it was released which was dope.

That gives me hope, and also makes me so so so jealous, that must have been so epic!

It really was such an amazing time and I am definitely lucky to have had it. My only regret was not hearing any tracks off my favorite album (Converting Vegetarians II) but I can’t fault them because that would’ve been impossible to work into the rest of their set which was comprised of full on psytrance.

I have a "heard it before it was released" story:

Was seeing Tyrant (Lee Burridge + Craig Richards) DJ live in Shibuya. I was in the Navy at the time so the only thing I did was shrooms and ecstasy because our ship did randoms regularly. I was tripping on shrooms that night and Lee threw on this track that was just amazing. I had to find out the name of it so I made my way up to the stage and asked the bouncer if he might be able to find out for me. A couple minutes later here comes Lee down off the stage, spilling his rum and coke, and shouts in my ear, "You enjoying the show?" and I'm like "Hell yeah! What was that track you just played?" He's like, "Do you smoke pot?" I'm just, "No I'm in the Navy. They test for that!" And he's like, "No, that's the name of the track!" and he drags me up on the stage so I can watch Craig throw it down. Amazing night. I miss the old rave days.