Tor’s shadowy reputation will only end if we all use it | Engadget to – 357 points –
Tor’s shadowy reputation will only end if we all use it | Engadget

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okay. perhaps instead of wasting your time writing an entire paragraph, you should read the article and you'll find out that that entire paragraph was irrelevant

it's actually not an article about the pros and cons of tor. it could not be summed up in bullet points about the pros and cons of tor

i'll admit to being a little facetious before, but i implore you to read articles before commenting on them

Thing is... if I have to do that for every time someone linkdrops an article, I'll have no time left in my day.

And it seems I was right that I have no real reason to use tor.

Thing is… if I have to do that for every time someone linkdrops an article, I’ll have no time left in my day.

if you spent less time writing comments about articles you haven't read, you might have more time. do you do this in other walks of life? wander into restaurants you've never eaten at and announce "i don't think there's really any reason to order the fish"?

And it seems I was right that I have no real reason to use tor.

okay, i'll sum the article up for you. the more people that use tor, the more it protects vulnerable people. journalists writing exposés about corrupt governments, refugees trying to flee, etc. the more normal people using tor, the more they get lost in the crowd. it's nothing to do with whether you have any reason to use tor, that's irrelevant. by using it, you're helping those in vulnerable positions. happy? now go write something inciteful

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