Confidence in U.S. Military Lowest in Over Two Decades to politics – 79 points –

by Mohamed Younis

Story Highlights

  • Public confidence in the U.S. military continues to decline
  • Drops seen across party groups, but Republicans remain most confident
  • Independents least likely to express confidence this year

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans are now less likely to express “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the U.S. military, with a noticeable decline that has persisted for the past five years. The latest numbers are from a June 1-22 Gallup poll that also captured record lows in public confidence in several public institutions.



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Agreed on all counts. The question is way too abstract to draw any meaningful conclusions from it. I don’t even know why they would bother posing the question or printing the results. Everything about the original is just meaningless.

Welcome to modern "journalism".

Gallup has asked the exact same question since 1975.