How to Move from Mastodon to Firefish

Baron Von to – 40 points –
How to Move from Mastodon to Firefish

From the article:

Mastodon is a great microblogging platform, but maybe you want to try something new. Firefish made a splash recently, and a lot of people are talking about it. If you’ve played with it for a while and want to officially take the plunge, here’s some tips on moving from your Mastodon Instance to a Firefish one.


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Yeah. It directed me to the other instances unless I had an invite code. As of now, the site isn't even loading in multiple browsers.

Yeah I haven't been able to login yet, but I'm out and about with bad roaming coverage right now and thought it was on my end. Oh it looks like they were upgrading. I'm logged in now but don't see anything anywhere about invite codes. I'll try to watch for it.

Yeah... when I click the "Sign Up" button I get this:

"Signups on this server are currently disabled, but you can always sign up at another server! If you have an invitation code for this server, please enter it below."

Ok, I found this post from an admin

So only admins can give them out it seems.

That's profoundly strange, I registered a new account for just the other day without any invite.

It was just after the re-launch with the new branding, though, and their servers have seemed slow, so maybe they had to close signups again?

Also if you're on yourself, are you able to follow Lemmy communities? I only get an endless spinning wheel and "Processing", but it works fine on

Also if you're on yourself, are you able to follow Lemmy communities?

I haven't tried, will give it a shot tonight.

I appear to be seeing the perpetual "Processing" when trying to follow a community.

Got it. I signed up for another instance. It looks like a cool interface. I may migrate over from mastodon. Thanks for the heads-up!

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