Anyone else go down a "Rabbit hole" and get their youtube algorithm all messed up? to – 44 points –

Anyone can look at my youtube and know exactly what my current fixation is. It's also annoying and makes it really hard to pull myself out of it. It's like a hyperfixation amplifier.


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Thankfully you can stop it. Go to your watch history and remove videos that are messing up your recommendations.

BUT THERE'S HUNDREDS. It is apparently who I am now. 🤷‍♂️ I now am nothing but a 3d printing enthusiast.

Yeah, the issue is mostly that i watch so much of specific thing that it would be a hassle to delete all the videos from the history

Oof. Yeah I've been there, I finally said enough was enough after a certain NSFW monkey video destroyed my homepage years ago.

Now I keep on top of my watch history and my recomendations are much better.