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Joined 1 years ago

Wow that was a great read. Leif comes across as very perceptive on multiple fronts here.

Unfortunately I think his warning about the internet ending up like "souped up TV" is looking more likely by the day.

Right now it's quite easy to force a site or service to bend the knee to outside pressure. No matter how right or wrong that pressure is. People will go after hosting and ISPs, if that doesn't work they'll tie people up directly in the courts. You must provide real contact info and be willing to play ball if you operate on the old web.

Embracing encryption is the only thing I can think to do to avoid that. Which honestly kind of sucks, because while true anonymity would save sites like Omegle who act in good faith and police themsevles in a reasonable manner, others that don't will also be protected. I think the pros out weigh the cons with anonymity but that is a hard pill to swallow for many.

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How can this be a legally enforceable contract?!

I'd like to think it can't be but it's the US so who knows.

Changing the terms after buying the device and in a way that your kid could accept them by hitting ok on the remote is bonkers.

I just don’t know where you people get this confidence in the American people from.

Same. 2016 and covid were just a little taste of how low we can go. I don't doubt that it can get worse.

We all know this yet the ones with kids who need to do something about it don't, as a result kids are getting dumber by the year.


TV had a limited capacity to mess kids up and it largely didn't. Youtube and the internet on then other hand are in the vast majority of kids pockets with 0 restrictions.

Reading the first hand reports of what this looks like from /r/teachers will black pill you on the future quicker than any post on climate change or war.

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Thank your ancestors for that. Couldn't think up any new names on their way over so they resused a bunch.

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It's an impressive FOSS project, scracthes the fast paced Quake itch but not a lot of people have that these days.

I use to play it's predecessor Nexuiz for years, you might recognize a few maps as some were updated for Xonotic.

Shout out to the crew who played on the HOCTF server. Had well over a 1000 hours on there.

We better adapt soon becuse the village is dead and it isn't coming back.

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headphone jack, NFC, and microSD

The holy trinity.

I need to move on from my LG (RIP) G6 soon due to battery life and apps becoming unsupported so I've been shopping around.

Right now I have a headphone jack, NFC, MicroSD, FM Radio and 4k video recording. I'll probably have to give up the radio at least if not more to get a well rounded phone.

The G6 came out 7 years ago but it feels like most new phones are a downgrade in comparsion.

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Is it? The ATMs have been all over the place for half a decade at this point.

As for fees it cost me 3 cents to send a $50 Litecoin transaction a few days ago. If I did that with Bitcoin it would have cost me $8 in transaction fees so you're right there.

Now days there's a coin for every purpose.

  • Bitcoin = gold bars

  • Litecoin = mundane transactions

  • Monero = digital cash

Crypto has been around for 15 years already. Time flys.

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Glad to be on this side of the great pond for the time being.

That time being 12 months.

If Trump does win, Europe can't count on America to respond properly to it's NATO promises. At best Trump will drag out processes that can't be drugout in order for NATO to remain effective. At worst he'll try and pullout entirely.

And you get crucified by them if you bring it up.

I understand battling the pull of phones and tablets with kids is hard but you're lying to your self if you think it's going to work out ok if you give in, every other kid has one how bad could it go really?


Reading the title I was like man the Onion is getting a little edgy until I read the source. Truth is stranger than fiction.

I feel like I can still navigate through it because I did the previous levels but the difficulty is definitely higher.

We're now on level 35 and n00bs are still coming online. A kid or grandma have no shot at defeating the boss AI video or deepfake on this level, hell I don't even have a great win rate on them.

Thankfully you can stop it. Go to your watch history and remove videos that are messing up your recommendations.

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What potato stays hot for 15 years?

This was talked about briefly in October but it's still flying under the radar imo. The Oct 7th attack took place on these very left leaning pacifist communties who believed in peace and liked to work with the Palestinians and their cause, more than most Israelis.

Many of the kibbutzniks who experienced October 7 can't bear to hear Arabic and want to see Gaza erased.

The trauma is stronger than their worldview

I was wondering if it might push those with that pacifist/hippy outlook on life to change and it appears it has.

When even the hippies are yearning for scorched earth tactics it doesn't bode well for winding down of military operations anytime soon. It also makes me think we're far more likely to see more serious military action roll into Lebanon within a few months.

TL:DR RIP peace. We never knew ye.

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Both shows are at the top but Deadwood's dialogue has a deliberate rhythm to it that is unmatched. If you get on it's wave length you're in for a treat. I watch it at least once a year and never grow tired of it.

David Milch the creator details his thought process on the rhythm of the dialogue and the push back he got with use of obscenity here: https://youtu.be/F2qk7W8_KLE?si=LxeRNs2N_-kzKiGb&t=1196 (20:01) Once he's done answering that question (around 29:00) i'd stop watching if you haven't seen Deadwood as there are spoilers later in the talk.

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can't win a general with him.

You'd think so but he is leading in the polls and the bettting markets.

I think turnout amongst young voters will be lower than last time for Biden since they have been brainwashed by TikTok on the Gaza issue. Even though the lesser of two evils is clearly Biden especially on Israel and Gaza.

So unless a couple of key states kick him off the ballot Trump will win the electoral college vote. While losing the popular vote by the widest margin to date.

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I was a jean sleeper up till my early 20s. Not sure why, it just felt right.

Now I can sleep in gym shorts or jeans but prefer shorts. Anything less than shorts and REM sleep doesn't happen for me, my body doesn't like having it's guard down that much I guess.

Second, the polls are broken

Broken is a stretch but we do know which way they leaned and that's not a good sign considering Biden's numbers were overstated.

Most preelection polls in 2020 overstated Joe Biden’s lead over Donald Trump in the national vote for president


It's not hopeless but the margins are thin, Trump won by 77,000 votes in 2016 and lost by 81,000 in 2020. Biden doesn't have a lot of slack to play with and he's going to be hit hard from all sides including his own thanks to 10/7.

Between inflation, "the border", Ukraine funding, Israel and every country with a vested interest against America influencing people online more than ever before it's gearing up to be a disaster.

I'm definitely doing it. Worth the cost of a stamp.

I don't even have a Roku TV just an Ultra hooked up to a monitor so not a lot to lose but it's the principal of the thing.

Having to find an ATM to be able to complete a transaction

Much like cash an ATM isn't needed by a lot of people as they bank online and use cards. Crypto has all those options as well.

Point is here you either adapt or have to find a new job because old payment processors won't let you sell your Giraffe bukkake art. It is what it is.

Underestimate the tactical lorax at your own peril.

I traded on Binance back when they let anyone on. It was wild you could just deposit your crypto and go nuts. No docs needed and limits were very high before any type of verification kicked in so I'm not surprised it was abused.

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And you might still miss some things the first time but it makes rewatches even better. I rarely feel the desire to rewatch shows, even good ones, Deadwood is the exception.

Hell even the set is amazing because the background extras took their roles so seriously, listening to the commentary tracks the lead actors noted that the background extras/actors developed their own routines and really made the camp come to life.

It had more of a living history museum or renaissance fair vibe than that of a stale set. Everyone invovled with the project had passion for their role no matter how small.

All top 12 hour. Subscriptions? Never heard of her.

Terry summed it up well.

I still have fun with it, plenty of full servers to be found.

If it is to be said, so it be, so it is.

I didn't "sell it for cash" I paid my VPS hosting bills with it. It's simple for business to accept crypto these days, couple clicks and they're set up.

If your business is making NSFW art than you better be willing to adapt.

BSG is a very different show but there might be some crossover between the fanbases. Deadwood is legacy HBO, the quality and depth of cast is on another level compared to what the scifi channel had at the time.

It's also endlessly quotable, that's one thing I miss about reddit is the small /r/Deadwood sub. You'll see some general "cocksucka" quotes in the wild but that sub has multiple rewatches under their belt and uses the full range. I have to revist some posts there everytime I rewatch it.

Anyway, here's one of my favorites from Wild Bill in S01E04: https://webm.red/view/cn5t.webm

The vast majority supported the Oct 7th attack and still do months later... Did They think Israel would let it slide?

Seventy-two percent of respondents said they believed the Hamas decision to launch the cross-border rampage in southern Israel was "correct" given its outcome so far, while 22% said it was "incorrect".


And saying Oct 7 attack doesn't do it justice. Watch the videos. Read the reports. It was humanity in it's most disgusting form:

NYT investigation: ‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7

Gifted article, here's an archive link as well.


  • A two-month investigation by The Times uncovered painful new details, establishing that the attacks against women were not isolated events but part of a broader pattern of gender-based violence on Oct. 7.

  • In a grainy video, you can see her, lying on her back, dress torn, legs spread, vagina exposed. Her face is burned beyond recognition and her right hand covers her eyes....Based largely on the video evidence — which was verified by The New York Times — Israeli police officials said they believed that Ms. [Gal] Abdush was raped, and she has become a symbol of the horrors visited upon Israeli women and girls during the Oct. 7 attacks.

  • The Times viewed photographs of one woman’s corpse that emergency responders discovered in the rubble of a besieged kibbutz with dozens of nails driven into her thighs and groin.

  • Sapir, a 24-year-old accountant, has become one of the Israeli police’s key witnesses. In a two-hour interview outside a cafe in southern Israel, she recounted seeing groups of heavily armed gunmen rape and kill at least five women...at 8 a.m. on Oct. 7, she was hiding under the low branches of a bushy tamarisk tree, just off Route 232, about four miles southwest of the party. She had been shot in the back...felt faint...covered herself in dry grass and lay as still as she could. About 15 meters from her hiding place she saw motorcycles, cars and trucks pulling up. She saw about 100 men, most of them dressed in military fatigues and combat boots, a few in dark sweatsuits, getting in and out of the vehicles. The men congregated along the road and passed between them assault rifles, grenades, small missiles — and badly wounded women. “It was like an assembly point.” The first victim she saw was a young woman with copper-color hair, blood running down her back, pants pushed down to her knees. One man pulled her by the hair and made her bend over. Another penetrated her, Sapir said, and every time she flinched, he plunged a knife into her back....While one terrorist raped her, another pulled out a box cutter and sliced off her breast.....“One continues to rape her, and the other throws her breast to someone else, and they play with it, throw it, and it falls on the road,”....the men sliced her face and then the woman fell out of view. Around the same time, she saw three other women raped and terrorists carrying the severed heads of three more women....Yura Karol, a 22-year-old security consultant, said he was hiding in the same spot, and he can be seen in one of Sapir’s photos.... In an interview, Mr. Karol said he barely lifted his head to look at the road but he also described seeing a woman raped and killed

  • Raz Cohen....saw five men, wearing civilian clothes, all carrying knives and one carrying a hammer, dragging a woman across the ground. She was young, naked and screaming. “They all gather around her,” Mr. Cohen said. “She’s standing up. They start raping her. I saw the men standing in a half circle around her. One penetrates her. She screams. I still remember her voice, screams without words.” “Then one of them raises a knife,” he said, “and they just slaughtered her.” Shoam Gueta, one of Mr. Cohen’s friends and a fashion designer, said the two were hiding together in the streambed. He said he saw at least four men step out of the van and attack the woman, who ended up “between their legs.” He said that they were “talking, giggling and shouting,” and that one of them stabbed her with a knife repeatedly, “literally butchering her.” Yinon Rivlin, a member of the rave’s production team who lost two brothers in the attacks, said that after hiding from the killers, he emerged from a ditch and made his way to the parking area, east of the party, along Route 232, looking for survivors. Near the highway, he said, he found the body of a young woman, on her stomach, no pants or underwear, legs spread apart. He said her vagina area appeared to have been sliced open, “as if someone tore her apart.”

  • There are at least three women and one man who were sexually assaulted and survived, according to Gil Horev, a spokesman for Israel’s Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs. “None of them has been willing to come physically for treatment,” he said. Two therapists said they were working with a woman who was gang raped at the rave and was in no condition to talk to investigators or reporters.

My sympathy for those who support Oct 7th is at 0.


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Like, why dont people who can just move?

Kind of a catch-22.

America is the best country in the world, if you're rich. Once someones earning a lot and saved up move to New Zealand money the appeal isn't as strong for most.

immediately go for northern europe

Oof. That's akin to moving there in 1938. Bit of a risky proposition to say the least.

I wouldn't move there now if allowed and I don't even have illegally move to Mexico money.

Guppies have a Gonopodium AKA a fish dick because they give live birth.

You can see them flex it from time to time. Note the bottom fin moving on the colorful fish chasing after the fat drab female:


That's just one species of livebearing fish but there are many others.

Newer monitors are also good options. Usually they have enough HDCP compliant ports these days and none of the bullshit.

Pair with a sound bar or surround sound system and you got a great setup.

Betting on Republicans to do the right thing is a surefire way to end up broke.

I remember when I did the switch in 2008 and never looked back.

I wasn't far behind you. My first laptop around that time came with Vista installed. Didn't take long for me to switch Ubuntu after that, haven't been back to Windows since.

Right, I think he had a lot more in the tank that we never got to see.

For years I was upset that Deadwood never had a fourth season. When I learned more about Milch and listened to his recent memoir that came out in 2022 I was just glad those first 3 seasons made it to air.

Many people don't survive all the drugs, family problems and a gambling addiction that he had going for him.

It would be cool to see the alternative universe where the other frat member becomes president or the one where Deadwood doesn't get cancelled but this one could be a lot worse really.

Oof. Yeah I've been there, I finally said enough was enough after a certain NSFW monkey video destroyed my homepage years ago.

Now I keep on top of my watch history and my recomendations are much better.

And yet there is no chance in hell she wins the nomination nevermind the general. She's a 30:1 long shot in current betting markets.

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Saying that the vast majority of innocent civilians supported it is such bullshit.

In what way is it bullshit. The polls are clear, 72% support the Hamas attacks. Is 72% not vast to you or something?

But please tell us how you justify

The bombing of Dresden in WW2 by allied forces had a horrific toll on civilians. It didn't suddenly mean that the allies were unjust in the war and should have stopped fighting.

Same thing for Israel. They have every right to fight Hamas and they are doing so. With a narrow strip of land like Gaza you're going to have civilian casualties. That doesn't make it a genocide. It's war.

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