Trump tied with Biden despite most voters thinking he committed serious crimes to politics – 395 points –

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As long as people like you keep drinking the propaganda made by the two parties system that no third party can win, then no third party will ever win

Fucking hell, do you really expect for one of the third parties to actually get 50% of total voters? Third parties have occasionally done alright in recent years but alright for a third party isn't even close to winning, if they won a state it would be a HUGE deal. The current system pushes against third parties because the risk isn't worth potentially splitting the votes to most voters. There has to be an actual change to how we vote to make voting for third parties viable.

Bullshit, any third party has the same changes of winning the propaganda makes you believe only red and blue can win

I'm sorry to say that they simply don't. The way our voting system works, there is no chance that a third party will gain enough traction to actually win without something insane happening. There is a reason that our system naturally drifted towards 2 parties. I would love it if our voting system actually made it so third parties had a serious chance of winning but for that to happen you need to get a huge portion of voters to switch to that same third party, and they aren't going to do that. I know you want to believe that it's possible that a third party can just win it all but for them to win you would basically have to flip an entire party. The crazy thing about that is, if somehow that were to happen, if you got every Democrat to vote green this upcoming election cycle, the parties would just shift from being Republican / Democrat to Republican / Green. That wouldn't happen because there is no shot in hell of it because the vast majority of people aren't going to vote third party because they want to prevent a split vote, but even if it did it would pretty quickly turn back into 2 parties.

Here is a helpful video 12 years ago that shows how this sort of voting leads towards a 2 party system.

There are dozen of nations around the world with more than 3 parties. The reason no third party can win in USA is because of people like you spreading propaganda and idiocy that no third party can win.

Yea but those other countries are different, for the vast majority of SUCCESSFUL multi-party systems they are proprtionaly represented, this can be done in multiple ways, like having districts with multiple representatives unlike in the US where each district gets 1. Generally, to make those successful, though, there needs to be a pooling of the votes and an actual representation instead of the winner take all system America has. If you want to learn more about the natural gravitation that first past the post voting has towards 2 party's watch the video above or look up Duverger's Law, the law in political science explaining how this system gravitated towards 2 parties over time. You can also just do research on first past the post voting and see how this is just one of its downsides.

Also, you asked a question, I (and some others) answered the question, and you are lashing out in a really just rude way. You apparently didn't know about this affect, which is fine, but you are unable to actually listen, internalize, and consider out answers without just responding that we are just spreading propaganda without any evidence as to why your belief might be right. I want third parties to win, I am just also aware that our current political system simply favors a Two Party System.