
1 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

What's mildly infuriating is that you are complaining about these protesters without providing any details on the protest.

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If you think these people are stupid remember that there's people wearing suits and ties in summer

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"Rebecca, 28, “as a trans woman I’ve been told I’m not welcome on the cycling track by UCI, at the same time they allow a petrochemical company to field a team showing they have no real care for people. I take to the track to point out this hypocrisy and stand for a better future”"

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This gives out the impression they don't care about lemmy being open source and decentralized but rather they are at it for a piece of the cake

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Drafts are never justified, you don't own anyone else life

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You won't also find a single country on this planet that isn't rooted on violence and that isn't ruled by corrupted politicians

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Yeah, we have the moral responsibility to defend our corrupted politicians and billionares who brought humanity to the brink of extinction. This system must be saved at all cost

As long as the same two parties rule the country in a cycle you will always be fucked

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lemmy.world it's not "lemmy"

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If you have to interact with documents created by others it would be better to use open formats not proprietary shit designed to be not cross compatible

People think window is easier because that's what they are used to. If all schools in a city were to suddenly drop windows and switch to linux you would see microsoft coming at them with donations and offering free deals. It already happened more than once.

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Some linux distros are also damn easy to install, easier than windows just try for yourself

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Objection. I would argue that Saudi Arabia ranks #1 in corruption, violence and terrorism and since we are at it i would also want to point out that the west is a partner of SA and sell them plenty of weapons.

Russia’s troll farms out here complaining about every other country, when they are globally causing the most problems.

Is Russia the country that spends more money on psyops and propaganda?

Arguing who's less of a criminal or less of a dictator sounds like hitting the bottom of the barrel anyway and it's exactly the game these warlords want people to play.

They are not trying to win these idiots over they are stopping them from driving their useless vehicles. What other plans do you suggest?

Let me know where you sign up to renounce to public services and stop paying taxes

stop sending them to school

By nature it is not "possible" it is normal. If your question is whatever is it possible for humans to be happy in a society designed to make you unhappy then the answer is by definition, no.

These two run a rigged company plagued with censorship that over the years collaborated with all sort of scum including the chinese government. I really wouldn't trust what they have to say

They would rather make up for lies than admit they are wrong

Like most of people from Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt?

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On some linux distros the only thing you have to press is "yes". Sounds easier to me than having to press "no" for 10 minutes

Porsche employed nazis even after the war https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joachim_Peiper

governments and politicians got their hands on it

Don't rest assured, for most of his history the vatican was a kingdom with his own army


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You cannot setup servers on Discord.


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Like having the source code?

Go on and explain the difference

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Fighting for your country is always a good thing. Its your country, your land and your people and they deserve to be protected.

Russia propaganda.

Drafting is there to protect the state and its government at the expenses of people.

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There's Ardour and Jack

Have a look there https://libregamewiki.org/Main_Page

There's plenty of good games and good devs, don't expect anything good to come out from the rigged industry

These days propaganda and lies spread by the government to cover up things they shouldn't do is also a common sight

Why not releasing the source code then?

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But what about the tie? I personally believe that one is to blame on fat rich people who used to hide their bellies

They changed their name

A house isn't software, it's more like getting handled the blueprints of the building. They already have access to the property what's the difference if they have the blueprints or not

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Krita has g'mic and it's open source. It's photoshop that is still not up to there

Ahaha the lumber cartel thing is pretty funny. Anyway let me ask you shagie, from usenet what do you think went wrong that lead us to the centralized services we have now? How do we not make the same mistake again?

Same on many linux distros but without having to enter a license key

Not the case for AI. We are at the beginning of a new era