Zelenskyy fires recruitment officials for accepting $10,000 bribes to help Ukrainian men dodge the draft: 'bribery during war is treason'

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 1418 points –
Zelenskyy fires recruitment officials for accepting $10,000 bribes to help Ukrainian men dodge the draft: 'bribery during war is treason'

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You won't also find a single country on this planet that isn't rooted on violence and that isn't ruled by corrupted politicians

True, but it's a spectrum, some countries are much more violent and corrupt than others. Arguably Russia ranks #1 in corruption, violence, and terrorism.

Russia's troll farms out here complaining about every other country, when they are globally causing the most problems.

Objection. I would argue that Saudi Arabia ranks #1 in corruption, violence and terrorism and since we are at it i would also want to point out that the west is a partner of SA and sell them plenty of weapons.

Russia’s troll farms out here complaining about every other country, when they are globally causing the most problems.

Is Russia the country that spends more money on psyops and propaganda?

Arguing who's less of a criminal or less of a dictator sounds like hitting the bottom of the barrel anyway and it's exactly the game these warlords want people to play.

Saudi Arabia is far up there, but Russia is still objectively worse.

The Russia simps like to "whataboutism" pretty much everyone else for doing smaller crimes than Russia. It's cliche, it's low IQ, Russia exports troll farms and nuclear terrorism, we get it.