Reddit is down to – 550 points –

Is there a place to watch lemmy user numbers in real time? interested to see if there's a spike as users try out something else with their new free time.


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As much as I'd love to ditch Reddit completely, I just had to use information from a few Reddit posts to fix an issue on my home server. I hate to say it, but Reddit is extremely valuable.

That can change, and already has begun. What made Reddit special was exactly what we're doing now, discussion. All it's going to take is for fediverse content to be searchable (if it's not already searchable) and it's game over for Reddit.

Use it while you can, too bad I blanked all my comments, including the ones with support tips, oops! 👿

(there are Reddit content backups out there, but whatever)

Yes, as an archive of obscure solutions it's valuable. It will lose that value as time goes on, though.