Brushed up against this while picking corn. It stung. to – 441 points –

It's a saddleback catapillar. The thorns have venom. Felt it on my neck. Never seen one before, but will definitely be on the lookout from now on.


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Yeesh I hope you're doing alright, I have such a fear of a surprise caterpillar sting, especially on the neck

surprise caterpillar

band name maybe, debut album A Sting on the Neck

Cover picture: a massive crawler dozer right about to land on some guys neck

okay, is he too busy to notice the giant cat sneaking up on him because he's absorbed in his iphone? is the band making a social statement in this album? or is the caterpillar more of a metaphor for our own destructiveness coming back to bite him.. IN THE NECK..