rip to Lemmy – 700 points –

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i am in a similar boat, that and all the cheesy lame 2010-esque memes, it makes it hard to stick around. so i try to do my fair share and post more modern, hopefully funnier shitposts and memes than i usually see. glad you found this funny C:

Can you give an example for such a meme you dislike?

all you have to do is scroll this community and especially !memes.

Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !

Okay, but if I scroll this community, I see e.g. your post. I just mean a simple example so you can show what exactly you mean

okay? its subjective so we may not agree, so i don't think it makes sense to provide examples about what i personally find unfunny and cheesy, but here

for this community: 1 - 2 - 3

lemmy memes: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

again, this is all a personal thing, others may find this funny and entertaining and thats obviously perfectly fine 👍🏼

Your second list is wild personally

The first list, those second two items are the trash I think 80% of people hate

lol i am not a fan of old school and or fb memes, so anything like that or similar to that just makes me ugh. but yea its all personal taste