rip to Lemmy – 700 points –

I have been scrolling through my feed and blocking all the weird Swedish communities that have popped up. It's exhausting work, and sometimes I wonder if Lemmy is still fun. And then this. This is the quality shit post that I needed! Thank you.

Join a different instance. I never see swedish stuff. I still get to see though.

I haven't seen any Swedish stuff but holy shit does show me a lot of porn

Yeah that happens when you browse by all. Just block lemmynsfw

AFAIK you canโ€™t block an instance. Just communities and users.

There's a profile setting to not show nsfw content. I have never seen any porn on Lemmy

i am in a similar boat, that and all the cheesy lame 2010-esque memes, it makes it hard to stick around. so i try to do my fair share and post more modern, hopefully funnier shitposts and memes than i usually see. glad you found this funny C:

Can you give an example for such a meme you dislike?

all you have to do is scroll this community and especially !memes.

Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !

Okay, but if I scroll this community, I see e.g. your post. I just mean a simple example so you can show what exactly you mean

okay? its subjective so we may not agree, so i don't think it makes sense to provide examples about what i personally find unfunny and cheesy, but here

for this community: 1 - 2 - 3

lemmy memes: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

again, this is all a personal thing, others may find this funny and entertaining and thats obviously perfectly fine ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Your second list is wild personally

The first list, those second two items are the trash I think 80% of people hate

lol i am not a fan of old school and or fb memes, so anything like that or similar to that just makes me ugh. but yea its all personal taste

It might be worth just changing your language to undefined and English (and any other language you speak, though I now realise you may be Swedish, so that likely won't help) but if you're not Swedish it'll help.

2018? Has it really been that long since he passed away? Time just flies nowadays.

He did away with Pluto and that's all the evidence I need to believe this.

So, we have the author of the crime and the tool he used to commit the crime. But what about his motivation? Hmmm...