Is there a website that offers similar kind of content as YouTube, except in a written format rather than a video one. to – 51 points –

I'm someone who just much prefers reading to watching YouTube — I like being able to go at my pace.

So I was wondering if anyone here knows of any kind of website or app which has long form written content about interesting topics. Thank you! :)


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I unfortunatly don't have a awnser but wanted to add I hate how all tech help has moved to video form. Written tutorials have then benefit of being clear and able to follow at your own pace.

Yeah this bugs me too. However, sometimes the key is scrolling farther down the search results. Google likes to put YouTube video results first but sometimes you can find the written instructions on a non google owned blog post past the videos.

Also, Bing (I know, I know) will break down the video and sometimes link you directly to the part of the video you need.

At least you can try asking ChatGPT now?

The real heros are the creators who blog their scripts and link them in the description of the video 🥹you da real mvp

Yes! Also being able to read/explore while doing other tasks like in a work meeting or on a discord call. It doesn't require you to devote 100% of your attention.