Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report

Eureka to politics – 812 points –
Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report

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God, I hope so hard that turnout will be good. I just worry that the more time that passes, the more "most" people will become complacent and forget. I'd certainly like to imagine that between Jan 6 and how extremely climate change has affected people the last couple of years, people are finally figuring out that they can't just twiddle their thumbs and wait for things to blow over. Unfortunately, though, that's something that will be shown with election results.

What is Biden planning to do about the environment?

Believing that we need to switch courses is a good first step. The other thing is that the policies he managed to get passed are moving geothermal in the right direction. I heard for the first time about ground source heat pumps because of his incentives for their installation.

There's also funding for public transit, charging infrastructure for EVs, sunsetting incandescents, etc. It's not perfect but it's better than some asshole up there saying how the whole thing is a Chinese hoax and chanting drill baby drill.