Gay Louisiana doctor says he’s leaving the state over its ‘discriminatory’ legislation

USA to politics – 631 points –
Gay Louisiana doctor says he’s leaving the state over its ‘discriminatory’ legislation

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I feel good that eventually I will die, and I haven't left any children behind to suffer through what will come.

I actually get very sad when I think about the kids that my friends have. We've got a tough road ahead, and it's only getting tougher.

I still try not to make the problem worse and even improve things where possible, but it's hard not to feel defeated.

Hate that doomer crap. People find happiness in far worse situations, and the future needs people who give a shit. You're not morally superior for not having kids and you're a coward for judging others who do, so scared of some hardship that you prefer annihilation.

I give a shit, I do what I can to not make things worse and improve where I can. I don't think I'm morally superior in any way, shape or form - quite the opposite; there are many greater, smarter people out there who could do a much better job at improving the future than I can hope to. I have many, many reasons for not having children - this is just one. Yes, I'm a coward. No, I don't judge others for having children - everyone has a choice, and I've made mine. No, I don't hope for annihilation - I hope that somehow, this freight train with no brakes manages to make a turn without derailing, and that the future is glorious and beautiful and healthy. While I may be a sad, pathetic little creature, I do like seeing the kids of friends and family grow and thrive, I just worry what is in store for them and their children.

Your country is doomed. Best thing you can do to make things better is to help your loved ones and stay out of political activism (as in not being politically active)