Lemmington Bunnie

@Lemmington Bunnie@aussie.zone
0 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

They need a "don't show crappy Chinese junk" filter - I love shopping, but it's impossible to browse for anything worthwhile, and incredibly boring.

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We got a Brother laser as well. Only print a few times a year, and the toner is always good to go when it does get switched on. Love my Brother!

I want a way to signal to people, sorry I'm freaking weird and apologies in advance for my awkwardness.

I've always loved the infinity symbol, got it engraved on a ring for my partner over a decade ago.

I also love badges.

Considering finding an enamel rainbow infinity badge online - and if someone mistakes me as queer, I don't mind, I'm an ally and a bit bi anyway.

Bigots get way too hung up on symbols.

I like to think of symbols as positive things - either covert ways to communicate with like minded people in an unfortunately negative environment, or ways to show pride in something if the symbol is widely recognised.

When that pride is something includes infringement on the rights of others, then we have a problem.

Otherwise, yay, go wild.

Yes, officer, I've had a few drinks - why do you ask?

This is so amusing to me, because I had no idea who this Linus was - I was only somewhat familiar with Linus Torvald of Linux fame. I looked up last night just to check that the old Linux nerd wasn't running around stealing water coolers and such.

Extra funny to see a comment the next morning that this Linus knows zero about Linux.

Me reading a poem.

Me rereading a poem.

😑 me giving up on reading the poem.

We wanted them to take the boring jobs so we could devote our time to art and leisure, but instead they're creating art and we're still stuck in the boring jobs with no time or money for leisure. 😭

I've said this, except you have a choice:

You can do retail, hospitality, or health services (eg cleaning hospitals, very basic patient support, anything that requires minimal training and won't do harm to any patient in their care).

I am a Service rep and my mum was a nurse, so we've both seen a lot of the worst of humanity. I think people need to extend more empathy to nurses and other medical staff - I understand for many patients, it's a horrible, scary situation, but these people are (generally) there to help and have to deal with a lot of awful stuff every single day.

More patience and empathy in general would make for a much better society.

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I miss those features so much - I was also one who had the Googlillusion shattered by the discontinuation of Inbox.

Me waiting for Inbox features to be incorporated into Gmail:

I feel good that eventually I will die, and I haven't left any children behind to suffer through what will come.

I actually get very sad when I think about the kids that my friends have. We've got a tough road ahead, and it's only getting tougher.

I still try not to make the problem worse and even improve things where possible, but it's hard not to feel defeated.

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USB & me: third times the charm!

My hairdresser was disassociating due to PTSD and stuck her hand into the mower blade because it was gunked up and not moving. She forgot to turn it off and sliced her hand up, and can no longer do her job.

Should we ban mowers?

My uncle in law came off a motorbike and was sliced apart by a guardrail, and died.

Should we ban motorbikes? Guardrails? Both?

Some things come with risk but bring greater reward. We need to weigh risk vs reward, and in the balance, nuclear comes out much further ahead - as long as it built and maintained to a high standard. It's also much, much safer and less harmful than the current options like coal.

My old manager once drew on my screen with his pen when pointing out something.

He would also leave his coffee cups on my desk including a nasty ring.

I was so glad when he left, and am even more glad to work from home where people can't draw on my damn monitor.

The creator is an awful person and likely to be a future family annihilator. He is truly terrifying.

I'm at the point where I prefer to rewatch shows or movies, and reread books, rather than try something new. The closest I can think to describe it is like slipping into a warm bath. Very cosy.

Lately, I've been working though my film library picking a film from each letter of the alphabet. It encourages me to watch something new, or at least something I may not have seen in the last decade - because it could be a while before I loop back around, so I don't want to throw away the letter!

I have taken up cross stitching and can spend an entire day just sitting and working on a one.

I want to watch ALL THE TV SHOWS AND MOVIES before I die (well the ones that interest me), but my hands get bored so usually I'll play Switch games but then I'm often not really paying a lot of attention to either thing.

With cross stitching, I can get focused if it's a difficult part or I've made a mistake, but mostly I can follow the plot of the show/film much better.

Plus I get a lovely physical "trophy" at the end, and have given a few as gifts.

My issue is at work, "I'll just do this one more thing", and then instead of my usual 2pm lunch, it's now suddenly 3pm which even for me is crazy late..

Subtext: now that we have the market share, it's our turn to exploit the users.

It's sick.

I'd actually love to wall mount but as a renter, not possible.

Currently living with elderly family and she also won't have a bar of a wall mount.

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It's also helped me find the names of several books and films that have been rattling around in my mind, some for decades, which actually made me very happy because not remembering that sort of thing drives me a little mad.

I'm stuck on two books that it can't work out - both absolute trash pulp fiction, one that I stopped reading because it was so terrible and the other that was so bad but I actually wouldn't mind reading again.

Oh well, can't have it all.

If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face.

They're literally a household name.

I grew up poor in Australia, and no one really had pay TV around me - least of all the people I hung with. Over the years, you'd still learn through other TV shows and movies that HBO was the channel with the good stuff.

Why change that? Why lose such branding? Have they become associated with something that they don't want to be? If not, leave great enough alone.

Some people wear a padded bra for comfort, not looks. Ironic that you use the word "pointless", because the padding helps with.. points. So it can actually be quite practical.

Likewise, the numpad can be more about comfort, even for a little ol admin/service person. I use both sets of number keys depending on - well, I'm not sure, just whatever feels right.

I keep thinking of the monoblock as the monolith from 2001. But with water cooling tubes sticking out of it.

I don't want to look it up because I like the picture in my imagination.

Doesn't matter what level of culinary experience you are partaking in, the kitchen is probably partaking in something.

To the point where it's actually a huge issue and there are organisations to deal with the drug abuse and depression experienced by chefs and other hospitality workers.

My employment is in tandem to the hospitality industry and we sponsor some of these charities, among others.

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.

Oh no, it's too late, I've already been fooled!

My upper manager always goes on about "empowerment" being part of the new direction for the business, but wouldn't you know, we still get drawn and quartered for the smallest errors.

There are a handful of customisation apps that are only available through the Galaxy store. The ones I use are all Samsung official apps, but the poorly written descriptions on the install pages definitely make me uncomfortable.

It's like they only intended the apps for their Korean users, and ran the text through Google translate for the English versions.

So confidently incorrect, and so deep into false advertising territory.

Yes, never sure why people had such an issue with the term.

Example, artificial hair is a broad term, and can span from looking like a straw broom to indistinguishable from real hair, and everything in between.

This quote is just absolutely balls on head ridiculous. I can't believe he said this with sincerity.

"Yes, you pea-brained fool, that's entirely correct - if someone is involved in a sex act against their will, that is a bad thing."

Do these people just have zero morals? It terrifies me that there are people walking around with these sorts of mindsets.

I have poor spatial awareness and learning to drive later in life - plus still getting to know my car. With a long, low nose, these bumpers are so handy, particularly the lower ones and/or made of rubber, so I don't scrape my car's poor snout!

I love horror films with terrifying vengeful spirits. I get sad when someone kills a harmless spider. I love running around the wasteland of Fallout games and blasting the baddies. I cried when a bird flew into the glass of my bedroom window and died.

We draw stock internationally via FedEx, with usually at least one shipment arriving per day.

If I have a particularly urgent order for my customer, I will of course be tracking the incoming shipment.

Every. Damn. Time. I visit their website, I get halted in my usual manic pace by their stupid, slow to load pop up. I haven't even been able to figure out how to block it, and usually don't have time when I'm working to figure these things out.

Our company gives you so much money, FedEx - why do you have to be so difficult to work with as thanks?!

I'm only using Chrome for work because the profile switching & syncing is so much smoother and our company is split into two primary brands - my brain handles it better with an individual browser profile for each.

We're consolidating everything into one next year, meaning I can ditch the second browser!

I've tried setting up a second profile but it was just too much effort to get it working and bring everything across from both, then do the same on my laptop for travel, so I'll just wait for now.

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I've been marking these advisor emails as spam in our ticketing software for ages, they set off all my alarm bells and raise all the red flags!

"On it" or "checking" is my acknowledgement.

πŸ‘is my approval.

Last thing I want is a trainee jumping the gun!

In Australia, or at least in the states I've lived in, Red = General waste 🫑 Green = Green waste Yellow = Recycling

We need standardisation in all (or most) things!

I hate when, for example, a moisturiser says to "apply liberally" - I have to look up what it means. In Australia, Libs are the right leaners, and when I think of them, I think of slashing public services and greedy, self-serving economic management.

I agree with your terminology - updating is for often small incremental software patches.

Upgrade would be a complete program overhaul, or more commonly in my use of it, a change to a newer, better physical product.