Gay Louisiana doctor says he’s leaving the state over its ‘discriminatory’ legislation

USA to politics – 631 points –
Gay Louisiana doctor says he’s leaving the state over its ‘discriminatory’ legislation

That's ok. They have Dr. Cletus, who got his MD at the school of Common Sense and did his residency at the hospital of Traditional American Values.

Red states don't care about having physicians trained from filthy leftist academia, propagandizing them with "facts" from scientists trying to sell books. Cletus is more competent to perform surgery than any blue state "Doctor," because he knows the south will rise again, and he has gumption and a can do attitude. Checkmate, stuff in books!

The most important thing for me is whether my doctor is Proud to be an American.

Now wait- there's a far more important thing: Does he accept Jesus as his personal savior?

Just to be clear, does he accept white supply-side Jesus as his personal savior?

Because the commie, middle-eastern Jesus who told us to... 🤢... help one another doesn't count!

God changed his mind about black people in 1978. So blacks are included too.

What a swell god. Has he changed his mind on gay people yet?

the real Lord/Jesus/Holy Spirit is not monitoring your dick or labia 24/7. I mean, that would be fucked up.

So "my religious belief is that there is an omniscient spirit who is constantly monitoring and judging what you do with your genitals"

oh, uh,... okay...

well DUH, every Proud American loves Jesus more than his own mother. If you don't, the Proud American Committee executes you.

What denomination? That 19th heresy or OUR 19th century heresy?

i had to do 18 Hail Marys after i read this, thx


(it’s a drinking game, and the drink is the body blood of christ)

Even though not all drinks are

I wonder if Dr. Cletus would give me a prostate exam

Honey, If you got some meth on you, Dr. Cletus will examine anything you like 😉

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So, anyone else wonder if the plan for Republican controlled states here is to chase all of the left leaning people out, bolstering their majority stranglehold in certain states and sacrificing things like talented doctors/nurses/teachers/etc. for an electoral college advantage? Literal tyranny of the minority? Hmm?

No, you need to think bigger. They want to change the constitution. I'm being completely serious.

I know exactly what you're talking about, and you're right (shit, that article is from a whole year ago?!), I should have thought of that! This is some serious shit, like I was just kind of being "tin-foil-hat-y" with my comment, but they're way ahead of me.

Jesus Herbert Walker CHRIST, this is a huge fucking problem!!

ETA: "The power to call for a convention belongs solely to state legislatures, who would pass and ratify amendments without a governor's signature, Congress' intervention, or any input from the president."


It’s not even tin foil hat-y. The Republican Party is a fascist political party that has a desire to overthrow the US government and replace it with a Christian Fascist dictatorship with active plans for genocide. It’s alarmist until it isn’t, they are being completely transparent about their intentions. They know they aren’t the majority, so they want to kill enough people to make sure they never lose and change the government to make their killings legal.

Well damn, I haven't had a pit in my stomach feeling like this since 2016. This is so fucked...

Good thing the only people they killed with their COVID stance was their own.

I mean yeah everyone was hit, but they went out of their way to make sure their own people were hit the hardest.

Did you just call half of your country fascists?

Rep voters =/= Rep politicians. I would say the ~27% of people that identify as Republican support fascist-like policies, even if they don't think of them as fascist. The Rep party itself is definitely neo-fascist. They even use the same rhetoric as the Nazis and white nationalists (focusing on degeneracy, cultural marxism, great replacement theory, etc). Just this time, LBGT people and hispanic immigrants are the first scapegoats. The current 2nd favored Republican presidential candidate, behind Trump, is most definitely a neo-fascist by just looking at the policies he's been implementing in Florida; not to mention his campaign sharing a video ad featuring DeSantis in the middle of a sonnegrad.

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There are lots of dystopian futures where the healthy and technologically advanced separated themselves from the unwashed, uneducated, and violent masses. Elysium is a popular film that uses this trope. We always assumed that the healthy and technologically advanced people created their utopia and pushed out the masses. In these fictional stories, I never considered the possibility that the masses would push out the healthy and technologically advanced people to their utopia and the masses were left to wallow in their own filth by their own choice.

California is definitely not an utopia

It's a closer to one than Louisiana, though.

None of the US can be classified as an utopia

Even so, the comparison is unfavorable to Louisiana, not California.

California looks like a mix of The Walking Dead and a Netflix show tho

Now do Louisiana.

Racist rednecks, gators and new Orleans

Really pulling your punches there.

Some fun facts about Louisiana:

Unemployment is higher than the national average and wages are lower than the national average.

Nineteen percent of the population lives below the poverty level, and that is second only to Mississippi.

Only around 20 percent of students perform at an acceptable level on standardized tests.

Louisiana has the highest murder rate in the nation at 12.4 per 100,000 people, far above No.2 Missouri at 9.8.

Louisiana is ranked 49th out of 50 states as far as job and economic opportunities.

We're not in the dystopian future yet I was describing. We're at possibly the middle point between what was, and what will be. The "what will be" would be when that utopia exists.

Won't be with all the drug problems California has

As someone who has lived all over the country, the drug problem in California is not worse than anywhere else. The worst I have seen was in the south and the Midwest. It's straight meth country all over the US.

That's exactly what they want.

It all boils down to resource management and selectorate theory. They don't care that the overall quality of life will be reduced for most people, because they themselves will personally benefit. They are willing to accept a reduced pie if it means they don't have to share it.

And to the point of the other person responding to you - the constitutional changes they want are real, and that factors in. If they can get even a few light red states more solidly so, they have a stronger position for an eventually constitutional convention, at which point they will rewrite the whole thing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't we be totally freaking the fuck out right now?

I mean, yes, but also the entire regressive ecosystem is gaslighting centrists with "both sides" nonsense, so if you actively freak out it will just alienate the people we need to care.

I think the best course of action is to get as involved locally as you can. Show up to school board and city council meetings. Have and express your opinion on the current business before them. Volunteer, do community outreach, and explore mutual aid.

The right has a well established network for communicating their doctrine and giving people east activities to gradually ramp up their involvement. We need to create similar structures for ourselves even more than we need to scream at elected officials who will ignore us anyway.

Build parallel power, and then use whatever leverage you can to force saner voices to prevail.

I mean, yes, but also the entire regressive ecosystem is gaslighting centrists with “both sides” nonsense, so if you actively freak out it will just alienate the people we need to care.

I just love how responding emotionally (and totally fucking appropriately) to the methodical fascist takeover of our country is alienating to some. I can see why so-called centrists can receive even more ire than the opposition in certain circumstances (MLK, anyone?).

Welp, I'm already an engaged voter. Guess it's really time to start doing more. Really starting to despise these power hungry assholes, you know?

Agreed entirely. Love you, brosis. We've got this, even if it gets worse before it gets better.

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It's like the Cultural Revolution or the Khmer Rouge. They'll be rounding up anyone wearing eyeglasses soon enough. Republicans uber alles.

It's that, plus dismantling education so the general populous isn't smart enough to catch onto the conservative grift.

Hey not to worry you'll get a voucher for a private christian school, so they can further force their ideology down your throat all while funneling tax dollars back to the church.

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This is the best summary I could come up with:

One of Louisiana’s few doctors specializing in pediatric heart conditions is leaving the state after the Legislature passed a variety of bills aimed at restricting rights for LGBTQ people.

Kleinmahon, who is gay, told WDSU that he and his husband had planned to retire in New Orleans, but he now feels like the anti-LGBTQ legislation passed by the Legislature has made the state a hostile place for families like his.

Kleinmahon wrote in a post on Instagram that he moved back to Louisiana five years ago with the goal of building one of the best pediatric heart transplant programs in the country.

He doesn’t want to leave that behind, but he wrote that he and his husband, Tom, “have discussed at length the benefits of continuing to live in the South, as well as the toll that it takes on our family.”

“This is a wonderful new opportunity, but it is incredibly sad to leave our home, our friends, colleagues, and patients and their families,” he wrote on Instagram.

I'm a bot and I'm open source!

I hope the two other heart surgery specialists in the state are non-gay, god loving patriots (/s).

“Before the surgery is to commence, we’d like to have our chaplin come and bless the proceedure, and say a few words in case God decides to change his plan. Just one thing before we begin, have you ever voted socialist anarchist communist democrat, believe there are more than 2 genders or tried to push the gay agenda on anyone? Good, now that it’s settled, let’s begin with a prayer.. Lord Jesus in heaven please help guide my hands to do the work we know only you know how to do. Please lord jesus teach me what I need to know to operate on this man today and give me the forgiveness and immunity if anything wrong happens”

So what? There are tons of doctors waiting in line.

No there aren't actually, there's a huge shortage of medical personnel nationwide.

just one of three pediatric heart doctors with his specialty in Louisiana

Are they? It was in the summary, no need to click the link dude...

Not experienced pediatric congenital heart doctors.

You wouldnt know the first thing about them, and neither do many of the other types of doctors.