Gay Louisiana doctor says he’s leaving the state over its ‘discriminatory’ legislation

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Gay Louisiana doctor says he’s leaving the state over its ‘discriminatory’ legislation

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No, you need to think bigger. They want to change the constitution. I'm being completely serious.

I know exactly what you're talking about, and you're right (shit, that article is from a whole year ago?!), I should have thought of that! This is some serious shit, like I was just kind of being "tin-foil-hat-y" with my comment, but they're way ahead of me.

Jesus Herbert Walker CHRIST, this is a huge fucking problem!!

ETA: "The power to call for a convention belongs solely to state legislatures, who would pass and ratify amendments without a governor's signature, Congress' intervention, or any input from the president."


It’s not even tin foil hat-y. The Republican Party is a fascist political party that has a desire to overthrow the US government and replace it with a Christian Fascist dictatorship with active plans for genocide. It’s alarmist until it isn’t, they are being completely transparent about their intentions. They know they aren’t the majority, so they want to kill enough people to make sure they never lose and change the government to make their killings legal.

Well damn, I haven't had a pit in my stomach feeling like this since 2016. This is so fucked...

Good thing the only people they killed with their COVID stance was their own.

I mean yeah everyone was hit, but they went out of their way to make sure their own people were hit the hardest.

Did you just call half of your country fascists?

Rep voters =/= Rep politicians. I would say the ~27% of people that identify as Republican support fascist-like policies, even if they don't think of them as fascist. The Rep party itself is definitely neo-fascist. They even use the same rhetoric as the Nazis and white nationalists (focusing on degeneracy, cultural marxism, great replacement theory, etc). Just this time, LBGT people and hispanic immigrants are the first scapegoats. The current 2nd favored Republican presidential candidate, behind Trump, is most definitely a neo-fascist by just looking at the policies he's been implementing in Florida; not to mention his campaign sharing a video ad featuring DeSantis in the middle of a sonnegrad.

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