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Alexa, define "segregation"

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meme image of businessman in tattered suit in post-apocalyptic wasteland explaining to a pair of dubious children, "Yes the planet got destroyed. But for a beautiful moment in time we created a lot of value for shareholders."

Fur-curious Emma Watson?

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Maybe it'd be healthier for all of us in the long run to just unplug, go outside, and visit a library or join a social club. Or we can just unplug from the internet corpo-net and go full Fediverse and FOSS. I'm sure there's plenty of people already doing it here on Lemmy.

New York Daily News NewsNew York News SUBSCRIBER ONLY Woman buying pot from NYC deli maced, dragged by hair, kicked in head by cashier who mistook her for trans Assault Victim 35yr old Jasmine Adams, seated inside the Offices of her Attorney, Robert Brown, talks to the News about her ordeal suffered by the hands of an employee inside the West Brighton Deli Grocery Bodega in Staten Island. Friday Oct. 6, 2023. Assault Victim 35yr old Jasmine Adams, seated inside the Offices of her Attorney, Robert Brown, talks to the News about her ordeal suffered by the hands of an employee inside the West Brighton Deli Grocery Bodega in Staten Island. Friday Oct. 6, 2023. By Rocco Parascandola | rparascandola@nydailynews.com | New York Daily News PUBLISHED: October 9, 2023 at 6:51 p.m. | UPDATED: October 9, 2023 at 7:49 p.m.

A Staten Island woman buying pot from a local deli got into a misunderstanding with the cashier — who ended up macing her, dragging​ her outside by her hair, kicking her in the head and mistakenly calling her trans.

​The shocking caught-on-video attack has left Jasmine Adams traumatized, her distress compounded by no arrest being made.

But on Monday, she moved a step closer to possible justice when her lawyer, Robert Brown, filed a discrimination suit in Staten Island Supreme Court against the West Brighton Deli Grocery & Grill.

The suit alleges that Adams, who is bisexual, was attacked because the cashier “perceived plaintiff to be transgender.” The NYPD confirmed Adams provided the same account to police when she reported the incident.

​”Even if I was a transvestite, what does that have to do with anything?” asked Adams, 35, who was wearing an Apple watch wristband adorned with pride rainbow colors when she was attacked.

“Why were you so comfortable putting your hands on me? I wasn’t being aggressive. I didn’t have any weapon. I was a customer.”

The worker has been fired, but the store, on Henderson Ave. near Campbell Ave., has not cooperated in helping to identify him, police said.

Brown said cops dropped the ball by failing to release the video to the media, as they often do when it is trying to identify and locate a suspect, and by conducting just one cursory phone interview with the victim. The Hate Crime Task Force is involved in the case, police said, but Brown noted that no investigator from that unit has contacted Adams.

Adams, a mother of two who manages a home for disabled adults, stopped at the grocery to buy marijuana for a friend around 11:30 p.m. July 28. The West Brighton Deli Grocery where assault Victim 35yr old Jasmine Adams, seated inside the Offices of her Attorney, Robert Brown, talks to the News about her ordeal suffered by the hands of an employee inside the West Brighton Deli Grocery Bodega in Staten Island. Friday October 6, 2023. (Theodore Parisienne) Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News The West Brighton Deli Grocery & Grill where Jasmine Adams was attacked. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

Weed has been legal in the city since 2021 but so far, there are currently only nine dispensaries in New York City licensed to sell marijuana. Hundreds of other shops nonetheless sell pot products.

Because she’s not a smoker, Adams had her friend on the phone as she made the $40 purchase, asking questions to make sure she was making the right choice. The clerk mistook her conversation as an attempt to haggle for a lower price.

“I said it wasn’t about the price and that I was just trying to figure out what I was buying,” Adams said. “So I paid. But he sucked his teeth and got mad and me and threw [the marijuana packet] on the floor.” Cellphone footage shows Jasmine Adams being dragged out of Staten Island bodega. Cell phone footage shows Jasmine Adams being dragged out of Staten Island bodega.

An insulted Adams opted not to pick the weed up off the floor and asked for her money back.

“He said I was trying to get him fired and that he was going to call the cops,” she recounted. “I said, ‘Call the cops! I just want my money back.’ Then I heard him call me a transvestite. I’m like, ‘Transvestite? I’m a whole female. I have lady parts.'” Cellphone footage shows Jasmine Adams being dragged out of Staten Island bodega. Cellphone footage shows Jasmine Adams being dragged out of Staten Island bodega.

The next moments were a blur.

Before she could duck, the attacker maced her in the face, she said, then ran around the counter toward her. Barely able to see, she remembered grabbing a coffee pot and swinging it at him.

She doesn’t know if she hit him, but he grabbed her by her long hair.

As she was being pulled from the store, called a “b—h” and dragged down three concrete steps, several young people were outside recording on their smartphones, some reacting in shock to the assault.

“Oh, my God!” one woman can be heard yelling in video obtained by the Daily News.

“You don’t have to do all that,” another person says.

The worker threw her to the concrete and kicked her in the head, the video shows.

“Next thing I know when I opened my eyes, I was outside next to my car on the floor,” Adams said. “I said to myself that I gotta get outta here because I don’t know if he’s going to kill me.” Jasmine Adams is pictured in Staten Island on Friday, Oct. 6, 2023. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News) Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News Jasmine Adams is pictured in Staten Island on Friday. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

Adams somehow drove off in her car but stopped about a block later and flagged down a couple she did not know, getting their help taking her home. Jasmine Adams is pictured in Staten Island on Friday, Oct. 6, 2023. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News) Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News Adams says she feared for her life during the attack. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

When she called 911 after getting home, cops showed up but she was told she needed to go back to the scene, which is in a different precinct from her home, and call 911 from there.

Brown, a former NYPD captain, noted police are obligated to take a report no matter where the crime occurred and that forcing crime victims to return to where they were attacked is traumatizing. The NYPD said Adams told the 911 dispatcher she would go to the scene, suggesting she voluntarily offered to do so.

Regardless, when Adams went back to the grocery and called for police from there, it took officers four hours to show up, she said. The officers, she said, appeared to know the attacker, referring to him as “Mr. Fourth of July.” Jasmine Adams is pictured in Staten Island on Friday, Oct. 6, 2023. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News) Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News Strangers helped Adams get home after the attack. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

Adams, who was bruised and cut as she was dragged and kicked, didn’t realize video of the attack was on Facebook until she was alerted by a co-worker. She showed it to her mom, who cried but didn’t watch it herself until recently.

“I tried to suppress what happened,” Adams said. “It makes you feel vulnerable. I like to believe that I’m a strong woman. To me, I wasn’t so strong. It makes me feel weak.”

As crime victims often do, Adams has blamed herself for being out that late and for not just leaving the store after the clerk flung the marijuana to the ground. Her friends have tried to convince her she had every right to stand up for herself.

“But part of me still blames myself,” she said. Jasmine Adams and her attorney Robert Brown are pictured in Staten Island on Friday, Oct. 6, 2023. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News) Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News Adams and her attorney Robert Brown on Friday. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

Workers at the store told The News they remembered the incident but referred all questions to a manager, who ignored requests for comment.

Adams turned to her pillars of strength, her mother and grandmother, before deciding to file a suit.

“They said that what happened to you is not right and that you need to let everyone know that,” Adams said. “For me, it’s not about the money. Whatever my sexual preference is, it shouldn’t be questioned when I walk in the store.”

What is not banned?

Surprisingly, there is a whole slew of exempt special-purpose bulbs that will continue to be manufactured, according to the Energy Department. Here’s what manufacturers can still build and stores can continue selling:

  • Appliance lamps, including fridge and oven lights
  • Black lights
  • Bug lamps
  • Colored lamps
  • Infrared lamps
  • Left-handed thread lamps
  • Plant lights
  • Floodlights
  • Reflector lamps
  • Showcase lamps
  • Traffic signals
  • Some other specialty lights, including marine lamps and some odd-sized bulbs

I mean, good for the effort, but that's still a lot of exceptions.

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Thanks for everything you do to keep this community safe. I know it can't be easy.

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They want the earth to die. It's literally prophesied in their Scriptures, that the sign that their Rapture is imminent include famine, death, war, and conquest. Their explicit goal is to bring about the Second Coming, wherein so many people will be killed, their blood fills up the Armageddon up to the shoulder of a warhorse. The old heaven and old earth, our earth, will very destroyed, so that paradise can come for God's Chosen.

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If it's affecting your mental health, I highly recommend avoiding this side of social media and focusing on your needs. Don't let the world drag you down with it.

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The written word. Just think about how much that has completely revolutionized communication all around the world. We can receive firsthand accounts of events from thousands of years in the past, on the other side of the world, from a civilization that hasn't existed since the Pyramids. We can learn the sagas and myths of countless cultures around the world. There's a good reason that the very act of writing itself was considered magical for eons. In many ways, it still is.

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Samurai. Literal nobility, regular baths, nice clothes, fitted armor, regular training, and at least during the Edo period, low risk of actually having to go into battle (doesn't apply during the prior periods of course). Good food, good rice wine, poetry and music, good literature, intellectually stimulating conversations.

Contrast a cowboy - saddle sores, dust, caked sweat from weeks without baths, cholera, gangrene, bandits, native raids, long hours, and the blazing desert sun.

And the pirate: nothing to eat but hardtack and freeze-dried cod until you make port or board a merchantman, hunted by the Royal Navy, surrounded by fellow pirates who haven't bathed since the last port call, constantly alternating between seasickness and landsickness, cramped quarters belowdecks, constant risk of drowning, and when you finally go on a raid, you're getting shot at by grapeshot and 16-pounder roundshot at effectively point-blank range.

Samurai, any day. raises cup of green tea

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Got my first explicit scatological DM from someone with no fewer than three actual slurs (n-word included) in their username yesterday, from the lemmy.world instance (yes, my instance), so that was "fun". I've also seen the same sort of posts, from the same sorts of users, elsewhere in comment sections. Fun times.

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Are they seriously blaming the population valuing their life and time, and not the government policies?

When some sites coughquoracough started disallowing posting unless you did it under your irl name.

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My mom's an East Asian Republican because she's a diehard fundamentalist evangelical pre-tribulation Biblical-literalist protestant Christian and thinks Trump was sent from God to save us from the devil's minions. Ignoring the fact that Trump has committed practically every sin in the book with "all have sinned".

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The Lord of the Rings trilogy, extended edition

And they wonder why their platforms are losing revenue.

You can try telling the CIA and/or Interpol. Locally, you can try the National Crime Agency, Scotland Yard's Counter Terrorism Command, and Scotland Yard's Specialist Crime Directorate.




You can also try reporting to CrimeStoppers:


I strongly encourage you to use as many anonymizing methods as possible if you truly believe your safety to be in jeopardy should you be discovered.

**Edit since you probably need witness protection now:

Try asking the NCA about becoming a Protected Person if you contact them. https://nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/what-we-do/how-we-work/providing-specialist-capabilities-for-law-enforcement/protected-persons

Remind me why this man hasn't been arrested and investigated by multiple alphabet agencies by now?

throat singing intensifies

Mom went full fundamentalist evangelical biblical literalist q-anon in recent years, even tried getting my sister to divorce her husband because he voted for the wrong candidate (no guesses for who was the "right" candidate). My sister, not being stupid, did not divorce her husband. As for myself, being in the military, I try to make counterarguments against my mom, which just ends with her accusing me of being brainwashed (which I probably am, but that's another story).

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Kurzgesagt - science and futurism in colorful cartoon format

LockPickingLawyer - actual lawyer that lockpicks with a calm and explanatory voice, giving tips and suggestions both to lockpickers and locksmiths

McNallyOfficial - sarcastic, zero crap given, jaded version of LPL

Townsends - fun and educational 17th century learning through reenactment

JeremyJahns - always reliable movie reviews in my opinion

Sir Swag - news without the BS.

Tasting History - learning history through delicious step by step, historically accurate recipes

Skill Tree - LARP and cosplay DIY projects and tips

OverlySarcasticProductions - adorable cartoon history from Blue, and adorable cartoon mythology from Red.

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Shipmate, as an active-duty submariner, you realize that the Israelis aren't Americans, right? Sending money to the IDF doesn't help your cousin on the ground. You of all people should also understand that the Ukraine front is an actual strategic conflict, and sending our retired equipment already marked for demolition to them instead is a strategic maneuver that's entirely in accordance with all governing directives. Why don't you ask your cousin about the actual boots-on-ground strategic picture instead of making assumptions.

You forgot the dreaded tumblrinas and tumblrites. Tumblr was once the dread nesting grounds of the proto-karen.

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We did. As soon as we left they went right back to their old ways.

Submariner here. After several incidents in which submarines imploded, burned, or otherwise caused death and/or endangered thermonuclear weapons systems, our current procedures specify every single item used down to specific serial numbers, with specific authorized substitutes. If the authorized substitute cannot be found, the procedure is simply not done, and if necessary for ensuring the actual safety and conduct of the submarine's primary mission, the entire multi-million-dollar mission is cut short and the ship surfaces to either receive the requisite supplies or goes back to port. Specific serial numbers for lubricants, specific stress-tested seawater-proof pressure-resistant alloys for bolts, specific serial numbers and part numbers for fuses, specific torque wrenches, even specific serial numbers for indicator lights. Every single maintenance step of certain procedures are read out loud at least three times and re-confirmed and acknowledged by both the worker and supervisor before being conducted, including the opening and closing of maintenance panel doors.

Do you want more unions?


English having no consistent spelling, grammar or pronunciation.

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Welcome aboard the lemmy train!

The Library of Alexandria burned down. So can Reddit.

Ah, what a wonderful day to know how to read.

Thanks for mirroring!

My guy you're posting on a piracy community.

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Why haven't more of the major subreddits, especially the ones doing long term indefinite blackouts, migrating their subs here?

Those are amazing!

From a "ties of blood" perspective, to give a perspective your mom might understand:

He might be tied by blood, but he is bringing dishonor and being a burden upon the entire family and lineage. He disgracea the rest of the family and all his elders and ancestors with his failure and irresponsible spending. He should be forced to work and spend less, helped by his elders, and shamed if he refuses to do so.

Note: this isn't something I'd recommend to anyone else, but if it helps.

Because it did work. It worked well enough that January 6th happened, and the 2016 election. It worked well enough that Florida consistently looks like Florida and votes like Florida, generation after generation.

Ah, but see, the beauty of the English language is that 50% of the time we don't actually care whether something is spelled properly unless it's formal academic writing or something official. We can make do with whatever, and guesstimate our way through almost anything!

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