Gay Louisiana doctor says he’s leaving the state over its ‘discriminatory’ legislation

USA to politics – 631 points –
Gay Louisiana doctor says he’s leaving the state over its ‘discriminatory’ legislation

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That's exactly what they want.

It all boils down to resource management and selectorate theory. They don't care that the overall quality of life will be reduced for most people, because they themselves will personally benefit. They are willing to accept a reduced pie if it means they don't have to share it.

And to the point of the other person responding to you - the constitutional changes they want are real, and that factors in. If they can get even a few light red states more solidly so, they have a stronger position for an eventually constitutional convention, at which point they will rewrite the whole thing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't we be totally freaking the fuck out right now?

I mean, yes, but also the entire regressive ecosystem is gaslighting centrists with "both sides" nonsense, so if you actively freak out it will just alienate the people we need to care.

I think the best course of action is to get as involved locally as you can. Show up to school board and city council meetings. Have and express your opinion on the current business before them. Volunteer, do community outreach, and explore mutual aid.

The right has a well established network for communicating their doctrine and giving people east activities to gradually ramp up their involvement. We need to create similar structures for ourselves even more than we need to scream at elected officials who will ignore us anyway.

Build parallel power, and then use whatever leverage you can to force saner voices to prevail.

I mean, yes, but also the entire regressive ecosystem is gaslighting centrists with “both sides” nonsense, so if you actively freak out it will just alienate the people we need to care.

I just love how responding emotionally (and totally fucking appropriately) to the methodical fascist takeover of our country is alienating to some. I can see why so-called centrists can receive even more ire than the opposition in certain circumstances (MLK, anyone?).

Welp, I'm already an engaged voter. Guess it's really time to start doing more. Really starting to despise these power hungry assholes, you know?

Agreed entirely. Love you, brosis. We've got this, even if it gets worse before it gets better.

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