Now that Sync and Infinity are out, which do people prefer? Also, how do they compare to the existing lemmy apps? to – 281 points –

I have about 5 different apps installed right now, and while I plan to test them all out, curious what people's conclusions are thus far.


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As a Linux guy, i disagree. I don't know what version of Linux (or how long ago) you tried Linux. Sync is more like Linux, so many options and features to make it exactly what you want.

Maybe it's not just the OS vs OS but more like Gimp vs Photoshop. Both accomplish pretty much the same tasks, but one feels way more polished than the other.

Maybe this will work: Sync feels like a Product, while Jerboa feels like a Project.

There are pros and cons to both approaches. I happen to be looking for a clean, pretty app that integrates with my Android 13 theming etc.

I've been enjoying Jerboa so far, there have been a ton of quality updates. Reminds me a lot of RiF which was my preferred Reddit app so that may say something.