
8 Post – 186 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's amazing how people convinced themselves they need all these platforms in their lives. Meta, X, TikTok, YouTube - they can do whatever they want to their users, and the users just take it.

I've learned to drop social media platforms as soon as they pull shit I'm uncomfortable with and live a happy life, somehow.

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Don't ever quit.

Screw that. Quitting is healthy, quitting is good. Nothing worse than digging yourself deeper and deeper based on sunk cost fallacy.

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In the immortal words of James Stephanie Sterling "corporations don't just want some money. They want all of the money"

That hall of fame Reddit thread where a guy announced he will try heroin just one time, then comes back to explain how the experience was and how he will try again. Over the course of many posts we see persons entire life unravel as other posters scream of the top of their lungs for him to stop.

Never figured if it was real or scripted, but hella effective.

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eBay has become the place for scalpers to sell overpriced wares, after they emptied store shelves. From toilet paper to graphics cards, that's where the buyout stock, sell for profit happened.

Now even without shortages, this philosophy persists at eBay. Nothing to lose for them, free money to make on uninformed buyers.

Worst case they end up not selling and can possibly return items for full refund.

Scummery at it's finest

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That's some 90s-dot-com-ass thinking from Elon. Nobody wants supercentralized services anymore. We've seen how giving one company too much data and too much power over our lives backfires every single time.

Elon rolled high luck and as emerald mine heir was able to take risks some of which paid off. But he was never a super (stable) genius he (and others like him) would claim to be.

This is a very non scientific answer, but when I was a kid (good 40 years ago) I remember having a science book that called TV static "an echo of the big bang". I guess that would mean just randomly scattered energy bouncing around on all bands?...

I could probably Google it and give you an answer, but I'll just wait for someone with a more convincingly and authoritatively written reply.

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Wikipedia and Archive.org are two of the most fantastic projects in existence. Their contributions to humanity rival NASA imho.

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Oh great, more consolidation and monopoly building.

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We're not blaming oil rig workers. We're blaming the industry. And yes, food manufacturers and fast food restaurant chains (not farmers) are largely to blame for the obesity epidemic.

*GPTscript kiddie wars

I once lived in Ankara, Turkey and had my family send me a cassette with the latest album of my favorite band from Gdańsk, Poland. Never got it and moved on (and moved out).

I got a message from my former neighbors 9 years after the tape was sent, informing me, it has arrived. (It was around early 2000s)

It's the same story with pretty much any platform. While you may know YouTube as the tool where AI/software randomly bans innocent channels and demonetizes videos based on false positives, it actually has a small army of human moderators. These poor folks are constantly exposed to some of the most vile content humankind produces >! ::: beheadings, rape, torture, child abuse::: !< etc.

I once worked on a project aiming to help their mental well-being, but honestly, while a step in the right direction, I don't think it made much difference.

Edit: attempting to nest multiple spoiler formatting

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Naturally. Rockstar likes to resell their titles no less than Bethesda. They will sell it to you on PS5 and series x/s, then again on PS6 and whatever Xbox will be around. Then probably Nintendo platform, finally PC.

This way they maximize the amount of times some people will buy the same game, each time with minimal quality upgrade.

Same as their previous titles. It's not that they didn't learn. They have the numbers and know very well what they're doing.

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And naturally for THIS billboard, they use a person of color as a model.

Somehow it never crossed their minds to stop selling firearms to teens, but vendor Internet in the name of protecting kids? Sign us up. Fuck that.

Pretty much any bill, worldwide, that includes the phrase "project kids" is always about pushing censorship, government surveillance and other forms of oppression on everyone. And guess what: zero actual benefit to kids.

It's such a bullshit article. For almost it's entire mission, Perseverance is exploding an ancient river delta. It's been doing it for years!

For anyone interested, I strongly recommend Mars Guy YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@MarsGuy?si=uGXt3X6GWDpvI78Q Every Sunday he reports on what the rovers (and helicopter) have been up to on Mars. Fascinating stuff.

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Not by chance the title of this article is written in such a way as to suggest there are some revelations regarding Trump dismembering someone. I hate clickbait.

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Like all republicans, Musk is in favor of eliminating voting (and other) rights for various groups, one by one.

Love the idea, but just to be the devil's advocate, I think it will just mask garbage videos. Currently, the clickbait thumbnails and titles are an indicator to blacklist a channel, without having to waste time watching it.

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Aww shit, is this now going to be a thing?

Lol, sure Elon. Take all my data. Not in a million years.

Fun fact - in Polish language the word alfabet exists as a technical name of the alphabet. There is also a more casual word, often used by children: abecadło which is basically polish way of saying "The ABCs".

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TikTok is garbage, but perhaps we should look at all the ridiculous right wing propaganda pushed by YouTube, Facebook and Twicough X

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I was using Jerboa for the first month. It's good, functional. However, with all due respect to the penguin people, it felt like working on Linux. Just a bit too utilitarian and function focused.

Yesterday I installed Sync and it was like switching to Windows/OSX. So much more polish, much more pleasant experience.

On Reddit I was using BaconReader - and had no idea Sync looked (and felt) this good. Great UX, though still has some ways to go. The comment font size when typing is super tiny!

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Look up the "theory of American exceptionalism". In short there is a very strong belief here that America is one of a kind and things that may work for others simply don't apply here.

Explains why the US stocks a 12hr clock, messed up month/day/year mission, imperial measurement and a ton of other things that any foreigner will find anywhere from quirky to infuriating.

IMHO the exceptionalism theory is a b.s. lazy way of keeping things conservative and unchanged and shutting down any discussion of uncomfortable progress.

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Nothing will make me watch this thing live. The ability to fast forward is essential for this show and I do so through 80% of the duration.

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THAT's a long list? I have more unplayed titles INSTALLED than this whole spreadsheet. I once attempted to create a system to organize my backlog but just gave up due to volume. I think I may have a game hoarding problem.

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Knowing when to quit a battle is a virtue, not a failure.

Calling Peter Molyneux a scammer is rather unfair. He does not set out to cheat you out of your money. He's simply a game designer that once was one of most brilliant talents in the industry, trying to capture the muse again.

It is an undisputed fact that most of his recent projects massively over promised and undelivered. It's an unfortunate truth that his claims cannot be trusted anymore.

That said, there is no malice behind it. Simply ambition that's not matched by ability to deliver.

I keep hoping Molyneux will once again succeed in one of his projects. It would be glorious, and it would shift gaming landscape, just like his old works did. At the same time, I'm no longer expecting it to happen, and certainly not getting invested emotionally or financially in any of his promises.

(Molyneux or not, don't pre-order by the way)

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I'm fed up with it, as in: I can recognize AI generated images with ease, and they all look kinda same-y. I have nothing against people using ai or posting the content, but at the same time I think it's simply bad art

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The 2008 Prince of Persia.

What was expected to be a start of a series revival, flopped and ended up with a kinda messy PC port, platform exclusive DLC epilogue and eventually abandonment in favor of return to sands of time mythos.

Meanwhile it is my favorite entry in the series - with amazing art direction, and lovely character development and vocal performances by two main characters. The gameplay is a cross of guitar hero and parkour - it's much more rhythm based and perhaps less expensive, but pulling off a perfect run feels soooo good.

I love the game so much that even though I'm not a YouTuber, I created a full playthrough and published it - just so I can stop wanting to play it again every few years.

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(assuming your home country is USA) You are allowed to purchase games from US websites while you travel. As long as the purchase is linked to your US payment method, with US residence address on the bill, it does not matter where I'm the world you connect from.

You might raise suspicion if you bought something via NL VPN, using Dutch credit card and address. Otherwise you are all good.

Googly eyes. Don't leave home without them

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Asymmetric speeds are a disgrace. Internet used to be about exchange of content, ideas and collaboration. You consumed, but also contributed. The overall focus on high download low upload is clearly the sign telcos want Internet to be just a troth of content, not much different from cable tv.

Yup. Both the desktop website and the official app are garbage UX. With no third party app option, I could not use Reddit even if I wanted to.

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How exactly will anyone run Flash content in 2023?

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Reminder: gas prices have next to nothing to do with Russia's war in Ukraine. They are artificially hiked up by the producers simply because they can (and because the world is transitioning away from fossil and it's one of their last tangos)

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Big corporation gobbling up even more of the market is NEVER good for anyone but the corporation and it's shareholders.

Not for the consumers. Not for the gobbled. Just for the gobblee.