Does AI-generated art posted on lemmy bother you? to Ask – 177 points –

I find that i can spot AI Images fairly easily these days, especially the sort of fantastical tableaus that get posted to the various AI communities around lemmy. I'm tired of seeing them; it all looks the same to me. Was wondering if im being too sensitive, or if other people are similarly bored of the constant unimaginative AI spam...

For the record, I block any explicit AI Art communities that pop up in the feed, but there are more every day...


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I'm fed up with it, as in: I can recognize AI generated images with ease, and they all look kinda same-y. I have nothing against people using ai or posting the content, but at the same time I think it's simply bad art

I can recognize AI generated images with ease

Maybe some of it, but there's plenty that looks just fine. That stuff slips under your radar, so you're left with the impression that all AI art is recognizable. It's a sampling bias.

If you think stuff slips below your radar, that just makes me question how good your radar is. The problems are obvious if you pay even a little attention, so... Maybe you don't?