Petition for to close registrations. to – -37 points –

I just realized that none of the comments or posts I made in the last week from my instance are getting to

I went to see if I my instance was defederated. No, still showing as connected.

I then went to see if I got blocked or banned. Nope, my username is not showing up in the modlog anywhere.

Is it because my instance is small? I guess not, because I can interact with people and communities from anywhere else just fine.

At the moment, the only plausible explanation I have is that is overwhelmed and dropping messages from smaller instances. They do however everything in their power to keep more users coming up.

Yeah, I get that they were being attacked. I can only imagine that getting DDOS'd is not fun, and worrying about the Schmoes on the smaller instances is not a top concern.

But even in the middle of these constant outages and attacks, the admins are still keeping registrations open? Why? Wouldn't it be better if they encouraged the users to move out of the instance to reduce the load? Isn't the whole point of decentralized technologies to be, you know, decentralized?

I shouldn't have to come here, create an account and make things even more centralized just so that I can tell people that this attitude is hurting the fediverse.

I wouldn't be so pissed at this if it weren't for the fact that some many communities were created here and is making this particular instance a crucial part of the fediverse, but the admins seems to be more worried about getting their user count up than the health of the overall system.

Please, admins, the more you go with this unstable federation and open registrations, the more of an incentive you are creating to centralize this further here. Help the fediverse and help yourselves. Close down registrations and focus on ensuring that everyone can access the communities that are being formed here.


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I get the feeling that you've never been in charge of UX before. What you're suggesting would be an absolutely terrible user experience. You have to realize that not everybody is as interested in new things as you or I might be, so even the smallest of hurdles will be prohibitive for most users.

So he just wants us to close and leave them in the dark, right?

This is being handled by a team that knows what they are doing. Together with someone that contributes to Lemmy.

You know what else is an even worse user experience? When people are basically forced to assimilate with the Borg instead of being able to participate from their own side of things, through no fault of their own.

Dude, you've been asked at least ten times now (I stopped counting when I reached ten) if you've addressed your technical problem with the admins here. Ten times (or, likely, many more) you've avoided answering that question which implies, naturally, that you have not.

You're not interested in solving a problem. You're interested in being "right", even if you're utterly, completely, and inescapably in the wrong.

Go back to your instance and flail your arms like a toddler in a tantrum over there, please. Or, you know, work with the admins to solve your problem where it actually exists instead of where the voices in your head are telling you it is.

Instead of counting, try reading. It's not about "the technical problem". It's about the fact that my instance:

  • has not done anything wrong
  • is wrongly being cut off with communication from half of the whole fediverse
  • the admins don't see any problem with this erratic growth and the ripple effects is causing elsewhere
  • I am literally getting told by the majority to "go back where I came from".

Let me see if I can it myself clear: If was 10-20% of the whole userbase, I wouldn't have to care about them. But because they are growing so much and don't seem to be intent of self-regulating, their growing pains is causing problems to those in the minority instances.

I don't mind repeating it or trying to find different ways to explain it, but the point I'd like you all to understand is that needs to organize itself before focusing on further growth, and this is why I am asking to close the registrations.

Why do I get the feeling that your instance probably had some hateful shit on it and you're upset that nobody wants to see it? It seems like you're not telling the whole story here. Can you please be honest and share the details about what the hell it is you're actually getting at?

That is completely off the mark, but it's interesting:'s approach to growth is reckless and causing issues elsewhere, someone is calling it out, and yet you are trying to make this about me instead of addressing the problem that am pointing out.

The only solution for you is "close registrations" while the admins already pointed out another solution that's in the works. For someone who says he doesn't want to keep repeating yourself you did that plenty. You want YOUR solution, not A solution.

At this moment, has 8x as many MAU as and it has pretty much as much users as ALL of the top 10 combined.

Let's make a deal. If they manage to bring this down to less than ~35% after two weeks after they implement their solution, then I will shut up about it and you never hear from me. If they don't, then they close registrations. Sounds reasonable?

No you stopped sounding reasonable right after hitting the submit button when you posted this.

Nice jab! Now can you please address the argument? If changing the registration page is a good solution, what should be the expected change in userbase split?

There’s absolutely no need to change it.

People aren’t going to go to other instances if they close LW. They’re going to go back to Reddit or Twitter or whatever platform they came from. Adding additional barriers to entry is not a good thing.

I’d bet 75%+ of the people on the platform don’t really understand or care about federation. They want something that works. And outside of the DDOS/Attacks LW has worked extremely well. Decentralization isn’t a perk to most users.

As the fediverse scales 100k user instances aren’t going to be uncommon, and that’s fine. LW is serving as a pseudo test bed and it’s exposed a lot of problems that would not otherwise get fixed.

Can we please stop pretending that this is being done for the good of the people? If the people are "going back to reddit" because they are not being spoon-fed and getting their food pre-chewed, then they are robbing themselves of the opportunity to learn and grow.

Stop treating everyone like helpless idiots, and the majority of them will show that they are actually quite capable.

Most people are helpless idiots. This is giving off major “iamverysmart” vibes. The majority of users will not bother with poor UX. If they encounter barriers to entry they won’t go around them, they just won’t enter. If we ever want even a minority of users to adopt the platform you have to make it an easy experience.

Edit: Also great job not addressing any of the actual points in my comment. You managed to find the tiniest offhand comment that you could write a rebuttal for and ignored the rest, just as you have in every other comment in the thread. Your goal is to argue, not to get your problem solved

Nobody can help with the problem, though, when you won't share any details. Maybe I'm way off, like you said, but you won't elaborate as to how, so what takeaway do you expect people to have here?

Sorry, I am starting to get tired of repeating myself. Can you go through my history and see the 3 or 4 comments where I am arguing that the main point of my post is not specifically about the technical issue that is affecting me, but instead a larger point about how this idea that letting one instance grow and dominating the userbase while having so many issues is irresponsible?