Petition for to close registrations. to – -37 points –

I just realized that none of the comments or posts I made in the last week from my instance are getting to

I went to see if I my instance was defederated. No, still showing as connected.

I then went to see if I got blocked or banned. Nope, my username is not showing up in the modlog anywhere.

Is it because my instance is small? I guess not, because I can interact with people and communities from anywhere else just fine.

At the moment, the only plausible explanation I have is that is overwhelmed and dropping messages from smaller instances. They do however everything in their power to keep more users coming up.

Yeah, I get that they were being attacked. I can only imagine that getting DDOS'd is not fun, and worrying about the Schmoes on the smaller instances is not a top concern.

But even in the middle of these constant outages and attacks, the admins are still keeping registrations open? Why? Wouldn't it be better if they encouraged the users to move out of the instance to reduce the load? Isn't the whole point of decentralized technologies to be, you know, decentralized?

I shouldn't have to come here, create an account and make things even more centralized just so that I can tell people that this attitude is hurting the fediverse.

I wouldn't be so pissed at this if it weren't for the fact that some many communities were created here and is making this particular instance a crucial part of the fediverse, but the admins seems to be more worried about getting their user count up than the health of the overall system.

Please, admins, the more you go with this unstable federation and open registrations, the more of an incentive you are creating to centralize this further here. Help the fediverse and help yourselves. Close down registrations and focus on ensuring that everyone can access the communities that are being formed here.


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If you're too old for internet drama, why are you starting it? There's more mature ways to go about this than petitioning to have an instance that isn't yours shut down registration.

You also don't seem willing to work with the admins to figure out what is really wrong.

If you have an issue, take it up with the admins privately before jumping to conclusions and starting a petition that doesn't even do anything except cause drama.

petitioning to have an instance that isn’t yours shut down.

First, I am not talking about shutting the instance down, I talking about closing down registrations - at least until their stability issues are solved.

Second, do you understand that (to an outsider) what this instance is doing is akin to environmental pollution? Of course the petition will come from someone who is "not from here", because those are the ones that end up being affected by it!

So now youre changing your excuses. And you still didn't address the root of all the drama you're causing. Good job avoiding any kind of personal responsibility for all the drama and creating even more. Have you gone to and demanded the same thing? What about beehaw? What about any other instance than this one? Maybe you should just defed from this instance instead of demanding a bunch of stuff that may not even help your original issue. Or any of the other issues you keep bringing up.

Again, did you even try to contact the admins prior to this? Did you ask the devs of lemmy for assistance? Did you do anything other than make up excuses in your head to hate

Edit: You're probably making all this stuff up since you don't want to address anything.

Have you gone to and demanded the same thing?

I don't have to, the admins themselves are telling others to join other instances and are doing their part to make sure that the system works.

Maybe you should just defed?

Do you realize that my complaint is because this is exactly what is happening in practice against my own desires? I can see (most) of the messages that come to my instance, but any message that I am write on my instance never shows up here.

may not even help your original issue.

My "original issue" is just a symptom of a larger problem: there is one instance in the fediverse that is growing in a dysfunctional way, like a tumor, and this is causing systemic faults elsewhere. There is a way that this instance could help mitigate this problem (close down registrations until it is better organized and/or there are other instances that can withstand the growth as well) yet the admins have refused to take this measure with (IMHO, seemingly) poor justifications.

Again, did you even try to contact the admins prior to this?

Actually, yes, I wrote a post from my instance hoping it would reach here.

You’re probably making all this stuff up since you don’t want to address anything.

I am really not interested in doxxing myself. Would you blame me, given that I'm apparently in the weak end of a confrontation with a tiny mob?

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