
50 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He did it. He said the magic words that turn on a neverending money tap from "christian" conservatives who aren't smart enough to tell when they're getting grifted.

lol A token GOP minority female is calling Kamala a DEI hire. FFS

There's an update to this story. Found it at the end of the article.


Louisiana principal apologizes for punishing student’s off-campus dancing

Public school principal reinstates 17-year-old’s leadership role and scholarship endorsement and requests leave for rest of school year

Oh hey, it's the token GOP minority female who thinks Kamala is a DEI hire. She probably got GOP permission to do this to boost their minority and female inclusion image. What a fking tool, she is.

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“To express our gratitude, your next cup of coffee or late night snack is on us!”

A $10 Ubereats gift card will barely cover fees and taxes, let alone the actual item. What a clown ass gesture.

I have worked with unhoused populations in L.A. for the past 7 years and have past experience managing a housing provider agency. I currently work at a housing services agency.

The idea that the communities have "substantial resources" is laughable. It seems like there's a lot of money, but there really isn't. My agency is one of the larger agencies in L.A. and we struggle. It's not even "the heads take all the money in pay". Nah, there's just not enough money.

It's definitely not as easy as "just build more housing", though I wish it were. Even "housing first" doesnt work well enough and it even backfires quite often.

Newsom's idea of moving people along doesn't work either. That's what was happening before housing first came along and it didn't help shit.

I will say that substance use issues, physical and mental health need a lot more attention and treatment options that are available to all.

If anyone wants to discuss the issues, feel free to AMA. I'm open to suggestions that'll make my job easier.

If anyone in the L.A. area wants to help, the following link has connections to jobs at a lot of services providers in L.A. county.:


Edit: left out some words

Also, when it comes to money for our agency, most of our money comes from private/corporate donors, local taxes, and the Feds. The state doesn't provide as much financial assistance to our agency.

That money also has to cover transportation (ubers/whatever) to places to obtain documentation, paying for client necessities, moving vans if needed plus the moving crew, security deposits and other move-in costs, utility setups and past due bills, damage mitigation to keep clients from being evicted..I can go on and on. There's not enough money.

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The funniest thing about this is that a bunch of grifters convinced those idiots to give her money. Suckers.

If I didn't have any decency, I'd be a billionaire from how easy it is to get money from conservative voters. Pastors and politicians have been doing it to them for years. All anyone has to do is spout a bunch of bible shit and claim conservative. If anyone gets busted, they just have to cry, beg forgiveness, blame the devil, and say it was a liberal setup and they'd get more money. Easy pickings from people who are told they should vote against their own education and actually do it.

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When are we going to start having mental health/psychological examinations for our politicians? I feel that should be a minimum requirement.

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Firefox for Android is a blessing with extensions. Most of my favorite desktop privacy extensions are available on mobile. I love it.

It's hard to believe that someone is too insane for the HFC. They're all insane.

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If you're too old for internet drama, why are you starting it? There's more mature ways to go about this than petitioning to have an instance that isn't yours shut down registration.

You also don't seem willing to work with the admins to figure out what is really wrong.

If you have an issue, take it up with the admins privately before jumping to conclusions and starting a petition that doesn't even do anything except cause drama.

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” He went on to instruct his followers to “try and build a big account. I mean, if you get in early, maybe some of you guys can blow up and red pill some people on there.”

Red pill? Did pro-authoritarian, white supremacist, and self-proclaimed incel, Nick Fuentes unironically use "red pill"? lmao What a clown.

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What are you up to?

Their knees in bodies. OP needs to start their plan before they drown.

They announced the CSAM charges last year.


King was accused of soliciting a Snapchat user in July 2023 to "knowingly and willingly produce child pornography." He was also accused of possession of child pornography.

He was also charged with insubordination for leaving his base after curfew and drinking alcohol in violation of Army regulations.

Boneless wings are typically breast meat, like tenders and nuggets, cut into shapes that resemble wings.


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They're not worried about the second 50 because they're just going to take the first 50 and bail.

I thought circles was the best idea. I loved having a bit more control over posts. Unfortunately, only two of my friends used it, so it was worthless for me for the most part.

Glad she was okay, damn. That story made me remember Stacy from Wayne's World

Then go back to hexbear. The best thing about the fediverse is having a choice if you don't like the way an instance is run.

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Maybe you should quit lemmy? It just sounds like you're tired of it. It's cool, not everyone likes lemmy. Take a break. Go check out some other sites. Come back later after lemmy and the apps develop more and try again. No need for dramatic posts. No one's gonna mind.

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The republican party is such a shitshow. Way too many of them act like children, yet these are the people that their party members actively vote for.

The guy the majority of them want in office has been proven to be a liar and a grifter way too many times, first as a D, now as an R. All he does is make threats, most of which he can't even act on. Why the hell can't they pick a better candidate? I mean, Christie is not much better, but he doesn't throw temper tantrums like 45. I'd also bet that he's more willing to be level-headed when it comes to policy. Hutchinson? Hurd? (Small chance on that one) But almost anyone is definitely better than Florida Man or 45.

(Warning: Rant incoming. Skip to the next comment if you don't want to read a wall of text.)

I strongly feel a big reason why so many Rs vote for folks like 45 or Fla Man (any R offical, really) are because they are made ignorant by the same policies they vote for. Rs vote to cut their own education and consistently rebel against policies that would benefit them because their R overlords lie to them knowing their R education system doesnt teach to understand the system.

An example is taxes. When Republicans talk about creating tax cuts or not raising taxes, they aren't talking about their constituents' personal taxes, it's corporate America, but they frame it as beneficial to all. The vast majority of Rs don't even qualify for those benefits, yet because they hear "tax cuts", they assume it applies to them. Then they get upset at Ds when their taxes and prices still go up.

On the flip side, when Ds talk about raising taxes, they're mostly talking about raising uberwealthy and corporate America's taxes. I say mostly because with fair taxes, a small portion of average Joes may see tax increases. But Rs try to make it sound like Ds are coming after the average Joe. The vast majority of Rs don't qualify for a lot of D tax increase policies. Rs try to make progressive or fair tax plans sound evil when it would benefit the country as a whole and their own constituents.

To compound the issue, it appears too many average Rs don't understand how taxes work or where they go. Too many of them complain about bad education and infrastructure but refuse to pay taxes which are used to pay for those improvements. Their R governments cut all kinds of funding to infrastructure and other nation-wide basics and they applaud it because somehow not spending the money on it will improve it. It doesn't make sense.

Remember the whole "underwater basket weaving" thing? That general idea was promoted by a lot of Rs to get people to stop going to college and look down on education. They know a basic college education will show that a lot of R leaders have been lying to everyone and working against their own constituents' best interests. And the anti-education propaganda worked. Rs consistently vote against their own educational interests. Ignorance isn't bliss, it helps people grift others.

I'd also go into religion, but that's too much.

It's still wild to me to witness the effects of the dumbing down of America in real time.

I'm not trying to dis average Rs because I'm not the brightest either, but at least I can see how R policies affect me and fellow Americans. I just wish they could be smarter and at least not vote against their own best interests.

How about we turn this into "Americans vs the government and corporate America" instead of "Americans vs Americans"?

Could it be because too many Rs can't remember what freedom really means because the education system is horribly underfunded and censored thanks to the people they elected?

Don't get me wrong, a lot of Ds also have issues and can improve themselves, but that would be too much to include here and I've already rambled on like the idiot Grandpa Simpson I am. shakesfistatclouds.tif

Sorry for the long rant.

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Iron Sky is a premium documentary, not just some movie.

I use a different VPN, but honestly, I wouldn't use Nord only because of their ads and sponsorships. It's kind of a lame excuse, but they wore me out with that.

Sorry you feel the need to be a jerk in response

You're clearly not able to be an adult about things. If you're taking as me being a jerk, you're wrong. I'll say it again, the best thing about the fediverse is being able to choose where we want. Take it as you want, but if you can take a stance, so can I and definitely the admins.

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Damn, they should have used the affirm payment plan. Smaller monthly payments are a little easier to hide.

Stop with the aggression and projection. You started with name calling and being hostile. I just reminded you of an option. You're the one being aggressive. You need to get a grip.

So now youre changing your excuses. And you still didn't address the root of all the drama you're causing. Good job avoiding any kind of personal responsibility for all the drama and creating even more. Have you gone to lemmy.ml and demanded the same thing? What about beehaw? What about any other instance than this one? Maybe you should just defed from this instance instead of demanding a bunch of stuff that may not even help your original issue. Or any of the other issues you keep bringing up.

Again, did you even try to contact the admins prior to this? Did you ask the devs of lemmy for assistance? Did you do anything other than make up excuses in your head to hate lemmy.world?

Edit: You're probably making all this stuff up since you don't want to address anything.

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He is a prime candidate to be the poster boy for mental health reform.

GOP supporters don't care as long as it "owns the libs". GOP can have all their benefits taken away and kick them in the head and the supporters will still find a way to blame everyone but themselves and their party.

It's not impossible. Crowdstrike has done it recently to linux machines.

Kernel panic observed after booting 5.14.0-427.13.1.el9_4.x86_64 by falcon-sensor process:

Breakout the dial-up and ask your friends on irc for portals. Maybe there's a geocities community for it.

You might want to find out so you can work with whatever your diagnosis may be. It may be something as simple as changing the way you think, it could be more. But whatever you're doing now doesn't seem to be working.

My personal experience after finally getting help was that some of what I was going through was more of my own choosing as opposed to whatever my diagnosis was. Some work on the way I thought about things helped much more than expected. I still have real issues, but less than I had before.

Go talk to a professional first, figure out what's going on.

Oh, if the answer to your post question is no, it's not normal, what would you do?

Last time a republican presidential candidate won California was Bush Sr. in 1988.

Damn, I missed the news about Google domains. That sucks. Squarespace domain pricing is typically pretty high.

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It's probably because the two instances you named have admins who actively try to moderate problems as opposed to joining in as with lemmygrad. But that's just my take from it all.

Sorry for the late reply, sleep and all. Just woke up so I may ramble a bit.

tl;dr: Housing first is hard because not everyone is ready or wants housing and it's more people than everyone thinks. Also, having a roof over head doesn't always help if supportive services aren't available. So you're right about the access to services.

To clarify, housing first does work in L.A. Just not to the extent that could be considered successful overall. Successful housing first depends a lot on the client. Those motivated to improve their situation tend to do well. Other successful clients are usually able to obtain some kind of steady income, such as disability or retirement. Almost all have some kind of support system outside of our services. We've housed tons of those clients, especially during and just after the pandemic.

Also, the one area where I do highly push for housing first and more housing units is with unhoused families. Those families cannot be split up, shouldn't be split up, and rightfully refuse to be split up. Unfortunately, the vast majority of new homeless housing projects are geared towards single individuals, and families will not work in those units. There are some new developments geared toward families but unfortunately there are too many unhoused families for them to make a big difference.

To the difficulties with housing first. The bulk of the remaining unhoused populations are those that are considered difficult and/or impossible to house independently. It's a larger number than people realize. The reasons vary, but the main ones are severe mental health issues and/or substance use issues.

Severe mental health issues prevent a lot of our clients from performing basic life skills so they need more supervision and assistance than is available. There is a severe lack of mental/physical health treatment options to assist these persons. Obviously we can't force people to get help, so we have to try and deal with them in whatever state they happen to be in. But they can't be permanently housed until they have some kind of stability or permanent support.

One common problem is a mental health issue mixed with violence and anger management issues.There are many who tear apart units like twisters in the Midwest due to whatever ails them. Theres been violent threats, physical violence, and other similar activities. There are some that have no desire to care for anything so once they're housed, the unit becomes a biohazard. I'm not joking. We use a biohazard cleaning company quite often. These clients tend to keep being shuffled around until they can find assistance to help with stability. Unfortunately, being shuffled around doesn't help with stability, so it's hard to get stuff done and they destroy units along the way. Due to anger, violence, and/or destruction, these clients tend to burn bridges we've built with landlords. So that keeps others from using those units. We also spend a lot more money than necessary in damage mitigation than we can really afford.

To move on to the substance use issues, many of that population refuse housing assistance for a variety of reasons related to drug use. These clients we literally can't house. Again, we are unable to force people in to housing or treatment. Unfortunately, the numbers of that population keep growing and growing thanks to excessive drug use of all kinds. We assist them, but not with housing until they ask.

There's a growing population that won't be rented to due to past evictions, credit history, criminal history (including sex offenders), etc. Until laws change, those clients won't be housed in their own unit.

There is another growing population that refuses to be housed for whatever reason. They range from what some would call lazy (there's usually deeper issues to a person than "they're just lazy") to people with deeply held beliefs against participating in modern society, such as "sovcits". We still assist them, just not with housing until they ask.

There are others that have their own reasons, but in the end, most fall into the mental health and/or substance use issues.

(I kind of cut a few things short due to length. Feel free to ask for clarification.)

Also. landlords will only take so much from our clients. If one of our clients causes so many problems that we have to relocate them to avoid eviction, it tends to burn connections to those units.

Not all landlords we work with are scum, but those that are scum are super scummy. Almost every housing program has caps on rental assistance per month and every housing voucher we can connect a client to also has a cap. Landlords that do not want our clients will price units just above the caps so they're inaccessible. Yes, a small part of the reason there are high rents in L.A. is to keep extremely low income/low income individuals out of units. (Example: generally, housing vouchers pay up to $2400/mo for a single individuals. Landlords are aware of this and will market their units at $2500. The housing authority typically will not pay over the cap, so those units are inaccessible. We have watched this happen over and over again over the last 4 years since vouchers became widespread.) Landlords that suck, really really suck.

For some transparency: We pay security deposit up to 2months rent, monthly rent (depending on the client's situation) and up to $1500 as a landlord incentive. The landlord also has access to 24 hour assistance, a direct line to case managers and supervisors, damage mitigation funds, and a few other "perks". We still have a really hard time finding landlords that will work with us. This is usually due to the general stigma against unhoused populations.

There's more I can say about housing first, but this is a long rambling comment already sorry.

In L.A., there's everything from grease death and masa bombs to thin crust and dry. Husk wrapped or banana leaf wrapped. Savory or sweet. We got it all.

Tampermonkey (and similar browser extensions) have scripts to make lemmy look like old reddit and there are other scripts that may help with lemmy. I don't know if that's what you want, but it's an option.



I tried it before. It worked for me on one small game website for account creation. After that it was more or less useless on any other site. It has a weird focus thing where it'll try to solve the captcha before you can enter in login details so if by chance the extension works, you'll fail the login anyways.

It still needs work. I think if the dev can work out those issues it could be great. Until then, it's pretty much worthless.

You can access it from the android Bitwarden app. Go to the password generator. Where it says "What would you like to generate?", tap Password and select username in the popup, then click OK. After that, it gives you an option to use a different emails when it generates the email address to use for the account you're setting up.