Gnome is Rethinking Window Management to – 230 points –

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Nahhh KDE is the one looking pants. In Gnome everything is very consistent and in KDE very much not so. Even something as simple as the toolbar looks ass.

Gnome is very intuitive too, I like the window overview and it just doesn't get in my way.

I was an i3wm user before going to Gnome. All the defaults just work, which saves me time

KDE is consistent, and much more configurable. But I mostly like the defaults barring where my toolbars go and switching to single click open for files. Will Gnome even allow me to have one main toolbar vertically on the left hand side of the screen, then two axillary auto-hiding short ones on the top and bottom right with programme shortcuts on one and the taskbar on the other?

I love Gnome, but ots not consistent atm due to the switch to libadwaita4

> in gnome the few things it still does despite the dev's desire to make it as bare as mac os while keeping it as heavy and sluggish as they possibly can are very consistent
