Tel Aviv Beachlocked to – 697 points –

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I never tested it, but still wonder why nobody who wasn't indoctrinated into it since birth doesn't just decide to wear a burka in summer heat.

Not only did you not test it, you didn't even bother looking it up, because you don't actually care, you're just here to express islamophobia.

Here, have the result of a 5 second search:

Can we trust your source?

I wonder how saying that Muslims are being exploited counts as islamophobia.

The image above is a great example of the Virgin/Whore social complex. In each case, the woman is held to the demands of men. Women in robes are expected to appear perfectly chaste and insulated from the ravenous male gaze while women in bikinis are expected to be on display for the entertainment of those same men.

The shifting social expectations of a male-dominated social hierarchy decide which set of apparel is rewarded and which is shunned. In neither scenario is the woman genuinely considered free. She is simply subjected to a new set of burdensome social standards.