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Joined 1 years ago

Whenever I hear people saying this, I always think of that guy who put chili powder and mint into his mouth at the same time.

Yes, it sounds like it should cancel out. No, in reality it definitely doesn't.

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No, there was another one, interestingly at the exact same time, in Poland. They don't like that one either.

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I worked and paid for my property too, what makes you think it's ok to pollute it with your oversized car?

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Every platform is nice at the start, for mainly the reason you say: people who join early have an interest in the platform, so we actually try to keep it nice.

Then every successful new platform gets its own eternal september. A large influx of people who don't care about the platform at all, they just want to use it to talk to people. And of these, yes many are still nice people, but also many aren't.

You see this in all kinds of communities, not just online. If you're in a new or niche hobby, everybody there will have an interest in improving the hobby and the small community, so it will probably be very nice. When it gets mainstream (I'm looking at MTG here, but other people probably know other examples) then it starts to attract people who do nothing but complain.

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Just more proof that it was never about mRNA.

The Solidarity movement, started in 1980 as a series of labor strikes, formed into a large trade union and then a political movement demanding workers' rights, actual worker control over means of production, and similar socialist policies. It finally forced and won a public election in 1989 (on the very same day of the Tiananmen square crackdown) which in turn led to the end of communist (and Russian) rule in Poland.

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A Windows version becomes considered "good" the exact moment a next version is released. No sooner, no later. Those are the rules.

This really depends on the bully.

Some want attention - they want your reaction, often your overreaction so they can make themselves look like a victim. In these cases, ignoring them for a while will probably make them move on to the next target.

Some want power - they want you to look weak so they can look strong. They like the feeling that you can't do anything to them. Ignoring these will make them continue. Here you have to fight back.

And yes, usually you don't know what your bully wants.

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She's vocal against the Catholic Church's history of child abuse.

Which is very good, but why did she then join another religion with pretty much the same history? Do people really think it's only the Catholic church?

Edit: I learned that she also joined a Catholic church (but not the Catholic church) for a while. Yes, definitely crazy.

That's still my favorite EU legislation. The price that is displayed must be equal (or higher, discounts are still allowed) to the price that you pay. Taxes, tips, fees, everything must be included in the price.

The great leap forward was such a colossal clusterfuck that you can't blame it on any one thing (although most of them would be prevented without the authoritarianism). Literally everything was wrong. Sparrows, lysenkoism, forced collectivization (basically, and perhaps ironically, farmers not owning the means of production), Mao just being evil, backyard burners, rigid chain of command that gave the chairman absolute authority but at the same prevented him from knowing what was going on, everything.

And if Tesla can get fully reliable self driving, it will be a game changer.

But I'm not holding my breath for either.

Can confirm, not in retail but a fully remote programmer, managers are still very often concerned that "everybody has something to do" much more than "everything gets done".

That is the opposite of unpopular.

Win easily and announce that I wrote it as a parody, mocking people

Then watch it backfire horribly. Conservatives (including those who call themselves libertarian) are blind to satire. You might remember that the_donald was satirical at the start. So was the game Monopoly.

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Yeah, that's just the modern way of talking.

Legally, yes. You can't and shouldn't prevent them from dating.

But, it's still creepy, it's usually still predatory, and there can be a huge power imbalance. Basically, the main thing is whether either person can easily leave at any time - often the younger one can't.

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Does anyone remember Google+? When they tried to make everyone with a YouTube account also have a Google+ account.

Spoiler alert: it didn't go well

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Reading the card, explains the card.

Enter textless Cryptic Command.

I've set the registration date on my account back 100 years just to show how easy it is to manipulate Lemmy when you run your own server.

That's exactly what a vampire that was here 100 years ago would say.

Does "not buying Bitcoin for $1" count as a mistake or not?

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The battery will fail to hold charge and they will become useless. Not the truth for wired headphones.

I don't know how you use your headphones, but in my case I switched to wireless because every single pair of wired headphones I had would break. Usually the cable, earbuds because they were in my pocket, and the overhead ones I'd drive over with my office chair.

Switched to wireless a couple years ago, no issues since then.

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This is called enshittification, and happens to all platforms.

Also tankies claiming to be anti-imperialist when people want to leave your empire.

am poor

own Alienware PC and Steam deck

Yeah... that's not what being poor is.

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It's available from the physics store, right next to point masses and frictionless pulleys.

It's a trade-off, so it depends on both how good the pay is and how opposed the company is.

I'm currently working for a crypto company, and have worked for other similar ones in the past, and these all tend to be libertarian types which I don't agree with, but they pay well.

On the other hand, a previous employer tried to get Saudi Aramco as a client, and I made it clear that I would not support this. Fortunately those talks didn't come anywhere.

So yes, there's certainly a line.

There’s no immediate “big car = bad person” logic that’s valid.

It's very easy to tell the difference between a big car that's big for a reason (7 seats for large families, van for a business) and a car that's big just because (i.e. a large SUV).

There is no such thing as an "Eastern European bloc". There is only "Russia" and "countries running away from Russia".

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That would be in every thread, from the most pro-communism to the most anti-communism threads.

KDE Connect can find your phone, as long as it's on the same network (basically, only at home). It's not perfect but it's something.


This "everything else" are stuff that previously didn't even exist. There used to be only professional tools and a few games, now you have an app (or multiple apps) for everything.

And I'll take a garbage program over one that doesn't exist.

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Below 110K. That's still at least 160K away from room temperature.

It is quite different. I don't speak either, but when watching Servant of the People, I could pick up a lot of words in Russian, as they were similar to Slovenian. When they started speaking Ukrainian, I couldn't understand anything. Even the show makes a plot point of this, when they invite the wrong Korea because the words for north and south are different.

I never tested it, but still wonder why nobody who wasn't indoctrinated into it since birth doesn't just decide to wear a burka in summer heat.

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So if I register, then I'm the CEO of Antifa?

I deny that the Warsaw Pact exists right now, if that's what you mean. You might as well argue that the Roman Empire is in decline right now.

I also deny that the Warsaw Pact benefited its member countries. After all, it was the only defensive alliance that invaded its own members.

Many conspiracies are true. Probably not the ones about aliens or lizard people, but certainly the ones about oil companies (and oil countries) lying and spreading propaganda.

I use the Firefox password manager too. It's easy and convenient and I still haven't seen any reasonable claim about it being insecure, or any other reason to switch.

Am I missing out on something by not using a separate password manager?

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I wonder how saying that Muslims are being exploited counts as islamophobia.