Why do you think people should or shouldn't know about the side effects of the COVID vaccine?locked

Veritas@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – -59 points –

I've seen a video talking about the leaked Facebook files where it says they should remove true information about side effects. It says Facebook should remove:

True information:

a. Delta: The Surgeon General wants us to remove true information about side effects.

Why do you think people should or shouldn't know about the side effects of the COVID vaccine?

There are people questioning the veracity of the quote so I've searched a bit and found some sources.

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Why do you think a video or Facebook posts are accurate sources?

I don't believe they are more or less accurate than any other information, but I want to be able to inform myself and hear all opinions to make informed decisions. You can't make an informed decision when the US government censors even true information about side effects.

You're assuming the video is correct when you say that. Is there any actual, verifiable, sourced information that there even are vaccine side effects (of the sort claimed by this video)? And above and beyond that, the US government is censoring said information?

If not, it's not a plot about censorship. It's just misinformation.

(there is data but he isn't qualified to understand it, but looking at it it sure looks scary don't it)

Seriously there are databases on vaccine issues, and if you read them as a layperson it is freaky. You immediately start getting wary of them, this was a backfire of their original purpose though. The ironic thing is that these databases are made public on purpose so the public would feel better about vaccines, but that relies on a public that is actually, you know, diligent about data.

The databases are populated by anything that happens after getting a vaccine. That means if you get strep throat after getting a vaccine? It goes in the database. Now a doctor or trained people know what is actually attributable to vaccines and what isn't, and can filter that information and mark it as irrelevant, but to an untrained person it's Oh god look vaccines cause cancer. No they don't. The lifetime smoker at age 77 does have lung cancer, but just because she got lung cancer after receiving the vaccine does not mean that it's related.

And this is of course just ignoring the fact that OP is talking about a government conspiracy to hide data from us while also referencing public databases full of data about vaccine safety.

Yup he's just going in circles and to him that means it's all justified.

  • I want to show you the truth
  • You don't know the real truth because the government is censoring it
  • The truth is on Youtube, the absolute king of DMCA takedowns

Really I pity him, he probably puts a lot of self worth in being the Keanu Reeves of figuring this all out.

Yeah; as you point out, the extant information certainly doesn't mean what he thinks it means, and there is zero evidence of government censorship here.

Basically the OP has brainworms and is trying to infect other people with them. Hope they're banned from this community as this is not the first instance of them doing it.

Are you being dense on purpose? I've quoted the relevant part about the government censoring the information. Go read the leaked papers if you want to verify it.

Not just our government, but every government in the world, all working together, agreeing perfectly, on this one fact. Every politician, every doctor, all colluding together. Dude, if that many people had side effects the entire world would know, every doctor would have to have broken every oath they took to do no harm. Not one country would be speaking out about it.

Do you know how that would actually go? Some countries would go public and others wouldn't. Doctors would be leaving countries and talking publically about it. The US government is not all world powerful, other countries would have their own rules. You think the EU would stay silent? Switzerland?

Everyone stayed absolutely silent about it except for Veritas here and his youtube. The world governments silenced everyone except the youtuber you follow. Really stop and think about how crazy that is. If there was a world wide conspiracy where every country was in perfect alignment about this your youtuber wouldn't be making videos. He would have disappeared.

Stop thinking you are "in on it" and you're smarter than everyone else. Stop being so afraid of everything. Be brave, muster the courage to take the 99.99% chance that you'll be fine (albeit a bit achey the next day - get some gatoraid it helps), and thank god you realized that you were brainwashed by youtubers who rely on you watching to make a living before it was too late.

I don't pretend to have any ultimate knowledge. I just wish people had enough curiosity to want to investigate this for themselves. I'm not talking about the side effects. I'm asking about the censoring. The government shouldn't be censoring true information about the side effects. Instead, there are people calling it misinformation because they can't be bothered to search and read some papers.

Lol dude I'm telling you WE HAVE. We have read it. Jesus how many people have to tell you that?! We literally know what you're talking about and referencing.

First, if it's some big government conspiracy, how would there be any "papers" available for us to read? They wouldn't exist. They'd be shredded, black boxed away by the government. It'd be scrubbed off the web, any website hosting it would be raided by the FBI.

Second, we recognize when we don't have the context of the data being presented. Just because you can read does not mean that you understand how the data correlates. Dunning Kruger is real, the more you learn in life the more you realize how little you know. The age old trope that a first year psychology major knows how to solve everyone's problems, but then they keep going and think "Hmmmm maybe I don't know everything".

Don't just read a paper, put your money where your mouth is and go get a medical degree. Then I'll listen to you.

(By the way if you're just a troll, bravo, wonderful job, this has been fun)

There’s no proof the papers are real, and additionally no proof the government is censoring them.

This is simply misinformation.

There’s no proof the papers are real

You couldn't even be bothered to search for "The Facebook Papers" they are discussed by the CNN, I don't know if that makes them real to you. You clearly don't trust the image of the papers that the video is showing for some reason.

Let's just call everything I don't agree with misinformation and not try to research for myself /s

What research? There's not any proof that what you're saying is right; the Facebook post is not evidence for itself.

What it is evidence of is misinformation, to which you have fallen prey.

Stop posting idiocy like this to try to lure others into these idiotic beliefs.

Stop calling everything you disagree with misinformation. You are not the holder of truth who's going to show me the path to enlightenment. Everything you say is just your opinion you aren't providing any sources either so everything you say is just misinformation according to your logic.

I'm not advancing a claim here, I'm just calling your claim rightfully bullshit. Until or unless you have something better to offer, leave. You are a detriment to this community.

Don't tell me what to do. YOU are the one going offtopic instead of answering a simple question, which is what this was about, so if YOU don't want to answer the question just leave the community.

Lol dude okay, I've had fun. Seriously just go get the shot, I promise it's okay. I've had it for 3 years and I'm fine, My entire family has gotten it, all of my friends have, old and young, definitely more than the 38 stat you had. You'll feel sick for a day, maybe 2, but then you never have to worry about it. Take a day off work, drink some gatorade, put on a movie and sleep it off.

You haven't understood anything. I remember the speech when Biden looked into the camera and said "our patience is running out with anyone who refuses the vaccine". At that point I knew this had nothing to do with health. I believe it's a way to control people. Let the antivaxx opinions back to the platforms so people can make informed decisions about their health.

(and remember that anything you post as research can't be true because the government has censored everything)

What is your justification for accepting anything published on FB as fact?

I didn't say that, don't put words on my mouth. I said I like to hear all sides of a story even the wrong ones.

I didnt say that you did. I was asking you a question. How do you determine that a post from your aunt who says COVID vaccine will cause cancer and a post from the AMA saying that in less than 0.1% of vaccines administered causes any sort of side affect and that in that 0.1% nearly all were related to preexisting conditions?

I am asking for your methodology because i have a feeling that like the majority of people whom put any stock into things they read on FB, it's not a very rigours process. No slight to you, most people have no background in science so having a good epistemology is not high on most people's list.

My side says that licking toads counters the side effects of the vaccine. I demand to be taken as seriously as your youtuber friend. I can even provide an excel file with numbers that I can claim proves my theory, if that'll prove it to you

Each time I've gotten the COVID vaccines I've been informed by the nurse about the known side effects of them. Of course I'm also aware there may be other side effects discovered in the future but so far all I have experienced from any of them is much less than I felt from the Shingles or TDAP or even some of the annual flu vaccines. My spouse who has severe breathing issues due to neuromuscular quadriplegia had no side effects from the COVID vaccines except a low fever, barely breaking 100°F. Neither he nor I have had COVID, not even a mild case, and his doctor checked his blood for antibodies because he's at such risk of dying if he gets it. He's got good levels. That's the result of the vaccines. Come fall, we'll do the next round.

Yet you expect random people to know even more when you believe that? Go ask experts like your doctor or search out a university professor if you are that skeptical. Or are they untrustworthy too except for these random users on the internet who you know absolutely nothing about when it comes to their qualifications other than a background in social media usage.