Why do they keep making new languages

Nowhereman@lemmy.stonansh.org to Programming@programming.dev – 173 points –

Why are there so many programming languages? And why are there still being so many made? I would think you would try to perfect what you have instead of making new ones all the time. I understand you need new languages sometimes like quantumcomputing or some newer tech like that. But for pc you would think there would be some kind of universal language. I'm learning java btw. I like programming languages. But was just wondering.


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you would think there would be some kind of universal language

You got to it before I did. Programming languages are like vehicles. You wouldn’t take a sports car off-roading, and you wouldn’t expect a tractor to win a drag race. There is a lot you can do with an all-purpose vehicle, but it’s not going to be as good as something that is purpose-built for a single task.

I actually don't think that's the case for languages. Most languages start out from a desire to do some specific thing better than other languages rather than do everything.

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If there was a single language, afterwards the same broken logic would be applied to frameworks and libraries, and we all know how many people bitch and whine over Java and it's extensive standard library.

JavaScript (is the universal language) (is also the answer of why there are so many languages)

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