CNN Poll: Percentage of Republicans who think Biden's 2020 win was illegitimate ticks back up near 70% to politics – 801 points –
CNN Poll: Percentage of Republicans who think Biden's 2020 win was illegitimate ticks back up near 70% | CNN Politics

The share of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who believe that President Joe Biden’s 2020 election win was not legitimate has ticked back up, according to a new CNN poll fielded throughout July. All told, 69% of Republicans and Republican-leaners say Biden’s win was not legitimate, up from 63% earlier this year and through last fall, even as there is no evidence of election fraud that would have altered the outcome of the contest.


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Still no evidence Trump supported a coup

Also a coup that just followed the red velvet rope around? Yeah scary shit

And coming dangerously close to our elected officials while chanting they wanted to hang people with the gallows they built outside. And remember people died there. And there's tons of evidence trump led it, why do you think he's getting charged for it.

No one was in the building

right. sure no one was in the building.

ya know other than all the people actually inside the building. like that one idiot who was shot because she refused to comply with police orders as she was trying to break into where members of congress were at.

No official, but yeah change the comment lol

i didnt change anything.

also there were officials in the building. all of congress was in the capitol building when magats stormed it looking for blood.

There were not, I don't remember that woman's name that claimed she was crying inside as she could hear them.. turns out she was across the road. They evacuated everyone way before.

You're just behaving like good little Nazis, remember "blame the Jews"? Now it's "blame the maga" lol

well when the maga does the crime they get the blame. facts over feelings. plenty of members of congress were in the capitol building that day. mike pence was there was well. but sure you can believe whatever nonsense fox "news" has told you.

The only reliable news are the ones that agree with me

Never mind the evidence and testimony, I'm told there were people in there and they were under actual threat lmao

"the only reliable news are the ones that agree with me" sure it is buddy. sure it is. thats why you believe no one was in the capitol building and that it was just tourists on a normal tourist visit.

hey next time im in your town how about i visit your house and treat it the same. after all its just a normal tourist visit. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Notice how you keep saying no one when I said no official

That's how your kind gas light people, it's so disingenuous it's disgusting to anyone with half a brain that can see you little facists running your mouth

dude there were members of congress in the senate chamber. youre lying through your teeth. there were congressional aides in there. there were other people in there doing their jobs. there were officials there. there was mike pence there. nancy pelosi was there. there were officials there.

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