Google wants iPhone switchers to know 'It's all good' on Android [Video]

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 99 points –
Google wants iPhone switchers to know 'It's all good' on Android [Video]
  • Google's latest advertising campaign, encapsulated by the tagline "It's all good with Google on Android," is aimed at persuading iPhone users to switch to Android by emphasizing the simplicity and worry-free nature of the process.

  • The campaign focuses on four areas: Privacy & Security, Emoji Reactions, Transfer Photos, and Device Compatibility, with each topic conveyed through short 15-second YouTube video ads.


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Apple does tend to do better when it comes to privacy and reigning in app developers. Google tends to do better on security, with privacy taking a backseat.

That's gonna be a no from me. Both suck extremely when it comes to privacy. On Android you can at least do something about it.

Which device/build are you running? I'd like to run without Play Services at some point but the last I saw, it wasn't very frictionless. Degoogling is on my to-do list.

Well, I wouldn't follow my lead exactly unless you're into tinkering and debugging, I run an entirely 3rd-party OS called SailfishOS and while it's very good, you have to know how to work with Linux fairly well.

But I heard only good things about e/os, so maybe that? You should probably check with someone who uses deGoogled Android first, though.

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