How does someone with no experience learn to make food? to No Stupid – 103 points –

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It may sound meaningless, but the best way to learn to cook is to cook. Learning by doing, that is the way.

Agreed. You can't really mess up that badly when cooking. Burnt bits can be scraped off and there's always a way to fix food when you season too much.

I would slightly disagree. Real bad things can happen while cooking. Kitchen safety should not be taken easy. One thing that comes directly to my mind is deep frying. Any higher amount of hot oil needs to be treated with respect. AND NEVER EVER PUT WATER INTO BURNING OIL. Suffocate it with a pot lid or a fire blanket.

Good point! Adding on to that, NEVER USE DULL KNIVES or catch a falling knife. Generally just be careful around sharp or hot objects

Always put a damp towel underneath a cutting board so it doesn’t move when you’re using it. I credit this in combination with safe knife holding techniques as the reason why my comically clumsy ass hasn’t had to go to the ER to get stitches/reattach digits in the 15 years I’ve been cooking.

A quote I think about is “a falling knife has no handle.”

I’ve never dropped a knife but I’m hoping if I do I’ll be prepared!