How does someone with no experience learn to make food? to No Stupid – 103 points –

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Can you follow directions? Congratulations, you can cook! It's really not that difficult, cooking is just simple chemistry.

When I was young my mum bought me a cookbook and once a week, usually Sundays, we would make a recipe or two that were in it. Sometimes full meals, sometimes just desserts, etc. You'll learn by doing, so get yourself a cookbook or find a cooking show to watch if you're a more visual learner. Just put yourself out there and try. I believe in you.

When I was young my mum bought me a cookbook and once a week, usually Sundays, we would make a recipe or two

This is why it might seem so easy to you, wouldn't you think?

Well obviously OP can't go back in time to when they were a child, but there's nothing to stop them getting a cook book once a week and trying out a recipe or two.

I mean, yeah, obviously. But claiming it's really easy because you were lucky to have normal parents and have been doing it since you were kid, especially on a question that implies someone didn't have the luxury, is not helping.

I think the part about knowing how to follow instructions is pretty much true though, at least for me. I only started cooking by myself in my mid-20s. I started by just searching a recipe and adding “simple” in my search query so I get something I can realistically make with what I have in the kitchen/pantry. Then I just follow it to the letter. Through repeated trial and error I eventually learned what could be done faster or easier, what ingredients can be substituted, etc.

But claiming it’s really easy because you were lucky to have normal parents and have been doing it since you were kid, especially on a question that implies someone didn’t have the luxury, is not helping.

I don't think they did that. The bit about cooking being easy and just a matter of following instructions was a completely separate paragraph to the anecdote about it being so easy they learned it when they were a child. And that was my takeaway, incidentally, not the whole "I started as a kid and now I'm a master chef and it's all easy" but rather "9 year olds can figure this out, I'm sure an adult will have no problem picking up the basics". You're combining two separate things in search of a negative take.

I'm not searching for a negative take, I'm just saying how it looks to me. Not OP, not you, not anyone else, just me personally.

I know, and I'm not saying that's completely the wrong take, just that it's almost certainly and pretty obviously (although maybe not immediately) not the one that was intended to be delivered.