Have you noticed spotify removing stuff from your liked songs list?

sumofchemicals@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 43 points –

For a few months now while listening to spotify I've noticed a song will come up and I'll think "I thought I already 'liked' this song?" But wasn't positive because sometimes there are multiple issues of the same album (anniversary, remixes etc) so maybe I had liked a different version or something.

But I have a couple playlists where I only add to the playlist when I'm listening to "Liked Songs" on shuffle, sort of a best of the best. And I've observed there are songs on that playlist which are no longer "liked."

Anyone else experience this?

Not sure why they would do this - could be a bug of some kind. Or could be they're trying to promote plays of songs where they don't have to pay out as many royalties, or someone is paying them to promote certain acts.


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No but what I noticed is that quite a few songs I had on my liked list are now unavailable and I have no clue which songs that were.

I believe there is a setting you can toggle to "Show unplayable songs". Will not help regarding listening to them but you can at least see the ones no longer available.

Oh really. Thanks for letting me know. I will look for it.