Curious, how many users here actually use ActivityPub's capabilities to see other social media sites? to – 58 points –

I've always wondered how many people actually decide to use something like mastodon to see Lemmy posts. I mean I know how inadequate it can be with a lack of a proper UI but I'm just wondering. Especially, with the infinite possibilities this can have.


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You can follow communities from Mastodon with format (ie replace the exclamation mark with an @). It's a miserable experience though. It's better to follow communities using Lemmy or Kbin (I'm not sure if Calckey works better).

It's a miserable experience though

Yeah. I followed the Technology community and it’s a mess on Mastodon. Replies all show up on the Home feed and there’s no context. I have to click on the comment then scroll all the way up to see the original post.

Mastodon or some party should really improve the interfacing between these services at some point really.